Conservation of Information: The History of an Idea

Ada Lovelace, Analytical Engine, BIO-Complexity, Celestial Mechanics, Charles Babbage, closed system, computer science, Conservation of Information, Edgar Allen Poe, Energy, Evolution, H. A. Rowland, Intelligent Design, large language models, Law of Conservation of Information, Léon Brillouin, Leonard Susskind, Library of Alexandria, Maelzel’s Chess Player, Peter Medawar, physics, Physics, Earth & Space, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Robert J. Marks II, search, search algorithm, The Limits of Science
Conservation of information” is a term that appears in both the physics and the computer science literature. Source
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Günter Bechly on Life’s Sudden Information Explosions

ancestral species, Avalon explosion, bacteria, biological explosions, body plans, Cambrian Explosion, common ancestry, descendant species, Evolution, genes, Günter Bechly, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, mammals, neo-Darwinian process, paleontologists, paleontology, placental mammals, Podcast, protein folds, Sarah Chaffee, Stephen Meyer, Triassic explosion
“There’s no reasonable way,” Bechly concludes, “to get from bacteria to mammals via evolutionary processes.” Source
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Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization and Deliverance with Dr. Karl Payne

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, demonization, Dr. Frank Turek, Dr. Karl Payne, morality, philosophy, Podcast, religion, Spiritual Warfare, theology
How should Christians deal with demons, spiritual warfare, and the unseen realm? Is it possible evil spirits are the cause of your anxiety and depression? While some charismatics may go to the extreme and focus too much on demons, conservative Christians often avoid the topic altogether. But if Jesus and the Bible warns about demonic oppression and spiritual warfare, what can we as Christians do to recognize and combat it if and when it occurs in our personal lives? In this week’s podcast episode, Frank sits down with Dr. Karl Payne, former chaplain for the Seattle Seahawks and Discipleship Pastor at Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, WA, to uncover the realities of spiritual warfare as detailed in his book, ‘Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization, and Deliverance‘. During their conversation, they’ll tackle questions like: How did a non-charismatic, ordained conservative Baptist minister ever begin working with…
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New “Long Story Short” Video Addresses Challenges from Junk DNA Defenders

anger, David Klinghoffer, ENCODE, ENCODE scientists, Endogenous retroviruses, ERVs, Evolution, Francis Collins, Human Genome Project, Intelligent Design, Internet, Jonathan McLatchie, Jonathan Wells, Junk DNA, Long Story Short, pseudogenes, Richard Dawkins, Rob Sheldon, rudeness, science stopper, The Greatest Show on Earth, “selfish gene”
Of course, die-hard evolution defenders were not going to take these major shifts in thinking about “junk DNA” sitting down. Source
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Can Christianity Really Be The Only Means Of Salvation?

Al Serrato, Apologetics, Christianity, Exclusivism, Gospel, Jesus, Pluralism, salvation, sola Christus, Theology and Christian Apologetics
Most skeptics I know feel pretty confident that all religions “say basically the same thing.” If there actually is a God, they’re not particularly worried, because in their view, “being a good person” is really all that matters. As long as you are “sincere” in your beliefs, whether you’re Muslim, Christian, Hindu or a member of your own individual religion, it will turn out fine in the end. Many go so far as to say that they simply “won’t believe” in a God who warns of a narrow path to salvation. This view has always struck me as particularly odd, coming as it often does from people who subscribe to a view that nature is all there is, and that science is the best way to attain knowledge. It’s odd…
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Who’s Teaching Happy Lies? with Melissa Dougherty

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Dr. Frank Turek, False Teachers, Happy Lies, Melissa Dougherty, morality, philosophy, Podcast, religion, Teacher, theology
In last week’s episode, Melissa Dougherty, author of the brand-new book, ‘Happy Lies‘, joined Frank to discuss the foundational beliefs of the New Thought movement and how its theology has misled many well-meaning Christians. This week, Melissa is back to dig even deeper into the surprising and troubling connections between New Thought and the Word of Faith movement and to share names of specific teachers of this false doctrine. Tune in as they answer questions like: How did the “seeker-friendly” church model begin and why doesn’t it work long-term? Does Joel Osteen believe that we’re “little gods”? Is it ok to name false teachers? How can New Thought and Word of Faith potentially shipwreck your faith? Would Jesus and the Apostles agree with these teachings? You definitely don’t want to miss…
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The End of the Machine Metaphor? 

"survival of the fittest", animals, bears, biology, Books, Casey Luskin, celibacy, chihuahua, DNA, Evolution, evolutionary psychology, Fiction, Foresight (book), foxes, genes, How Life Works, Intelligent Design, machines, Marcos Eberlin, Meaning, Oskar Schindler, otters, Philip Ball, purpose, relationships, religion, reproduction, Science and Faith in Dialogue, self-sacrifice, survival, work, writing
Rather than purpose deriving from a purposeless process like natural selection, natural selection can only occur when life itself is the result of purpose. Source
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