
Drive Darwinists Nuts with This One Solution to Fake News

Ann Gauger, Central America, Charles Darwin, Darwinists, David Berlinski, David Gelernter, Debating Darwin's Doubt, Discovery Institute, Evolution, Evolution News, fake news, free speech, Google, Guillermo Gonzalez, Günter Bechly, Intelligent Design, Jonathan Wells, media, Michael Behe, Spanish, Stephen Meyer, Yale University
If you listen to the media, you’d think that science has refuted God, the debate over Darwin is closed, the solution to the origin of life is right around the corner, and humans are no more significant than cockroaches. If you are as sick of this kind of fake news as I am, I have good news. There is a solution, and you can be a part of it. The solution is this site — Evolution News & Science Today. How It All Started Discovery Institute started this news outlet back in 2004 to counter all the fake news in the debate over intelligent design. Since then, the audience for Evolution News has grown from a few thousand to more than a million users a year. In fact, according to Google, Evolution News is on track to reach…
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LGBT activist calls for “hardball” “fight” to empty the church pews of Christians

Agenda LGBT, Apologetics, Christian Right, Christianity, Culture, Legislating Morality, Culture & Politics, LGBT Activist, Politics, Theology and Christian Apologetics, Wintery Knight
By Wintery Knight Transgender woman calls for “hardball” “fight” to “empty the pews” Previously, I blogged about how transgender activists shut down a discussion of transgender issues on a university campus in Canada. You might think that suppressing debate and disagreement is something that only happens north of the border. But an LGBT activist with 50,000 Twitter followers is being re-tweeted by prominent people on the left after demanding a “fight” to “empty the pews”. Look at this Twitter thread from “Chrissy Str00p“, a transgender woman: The Christian Right has won its culture war under the noses of “liberal elites.” Long before Trump, abstinence-only #FakeSexEd came to dominate public schools. Abortion became effectively inaccessible in most areas. We’re fighting to take ground back and even to realize rights that have…
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¿Por qué no soy Fideísta? Parte II

Apologética, Cristianismo, Cristianos, Español, Fe, Fe Razonable, Fideismo, Teología, Xavier Gonzalez
Por Xavier González Parte I: Definición e historia del Fideísmo. Fe Razonable, ¿Histórica? Este apartado no es un comercial para el ministerio del popular filósofo americano William Craig. Lo que se pretende es indagar sobre la historia de la iglesia primitiva, esto quiere decir, ¿los primeros cristianos siempre han sido irracionales y anti-intelectuales?, ¿ellos abrazaban alguna idea de fideísmo?, ¿ellos evadían las objeciones que se le ponían en la mesa? ¿O es todo lo contrario? Bueno, para esta sección trataremos de responder estas dudas y otras de las que pueden llegar a pensarse, pero nuestra respuesta corta a estas preguntas y otras es: NO ¡La iglesia primitiva como los padres de la iglesia siempre tuvieron una fe razonable! Y para demostrar esto, vamos a defender 2 tesis, la primera es…
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BioEssays Editor: “‘Junk’ DNA… Full of Information!” Including Genome-Sized “Genomic Code”

adenine, Advanced Science News, Andrew Moore, BioEssays, Biological Information: New Perspectives, cytosine, DNA, ENCODE, Evolution, Francis Crick, function, genome, genomic code, Giorgio Bernardi, guanine, Intelligent Design, isochores, Junk DNA, Leslie Orgel, narrative gloss, overlapping codes, proteins, selective pressure, thymine, viral genomes
How many times have we heard it claimed that the vast majority of the human genome is “junk” and therefore could not have been designed? Even in the face of overwhelming evidence from the ENCODE project and numerous other studies showing that most of our genome has biochemical function, most evolutionists still maintain that our genomes are largely junk. But a few brave scientists, including some rare evolutionists, have been willing to buck that trend.  In a new article at Advanced Science News — “That ‘Junk’ DNA… Is Full of Information!” — Andrew Moore, the Editor-in-Chief of the respected biology journal BioEssays, comments on a new BioEssays paper. The paper finds that our DNA contains overlapping layered “’dual-function’ pieces of information,” including a “genomic code” that spans virtually the entire…
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A Review of Nancy Pearcey’s Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning

Apologetics, Christianity, Meaning, New Age spiritualism, SalvoMag.Com, Secularism, Terrell Clemmons, theology, Theology and Christian Apologetics
By Terrell Clemmons Nancy Pearcey knows the captivating power of secular ideas because she used to hold them herself. As a teenager, she rejected the religion of her childhood and embraced a host of “isms,” from moral relativism to scientific determinism to New Age spiritualism. But she persisted in her quest for truth, only to find that the biblical worldview offers far better and more complete answers to the real-world questions those philosophies attempted to address. For those of us who lack such intellectual stamina, her books serve as a tour of the long and winding journey by which she arrived at that conclusion. The Soul of Science, which she co-authored with Charles Thaxton in 1994, defied the deeply embedded cultural myth which said that faith and science occupy mutually…
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Guilty by Reason of Insanity with David Limbaugh

AFR, Apologetics, app, cross examined, cross examined official podcast, CrossExamined, crossexamined podcast, David Limbaugh, Frank Turek, google play, iTunes, Podcast, podcasting, Radio, Radio Show, Spotify, stitcher, Weekly Podcast
Podcast: Play in new window How do you get informed as to what is going on in our crazy political discourse right now?  I can’t keep up with it all.  I not only can’t keep up with it all, but I also forget what happened politically last week, and last month, and last year.  I need someone to document it all for me so I can make informed decisions as we enter an election year.  New York Times best-selling author, David Limbaugh, has done so with his new, exquisitely researched book, Guilty by Reason of Insanity.   David covers a wide range of topics—racism, gender, intersectionality, socialism, capitalism, abortion, immigration, religious freedom, etc.—that should be important to all people, especially Christians.  No matter what you believe politically right now, you should…
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Bioethics Coming to Elementary and High Schools?

abortion, animals, assisted suicide, bioethics, Culture & Ethics, dead donor rule, elementary school, end of life, euthanasia, futile care, high school, ideology, Jacob M. Appel, Leon Kass, Medicine, morality, organ harvesting, philosophy, prenatal screening, President’s Council on Bioethics, puberty, religion, Scientific American, sex education, students, textbooks
Bioethicist Jacob M. Appel wants the bioethics movement to educate your children about the policy and personal conundrums that involve medical care and health public policy. He claims that “most of us give little thought” to issues that may arise, such as end-of-life care and prenatal screening. Then, when an issue does come up, people are unprepared to make wise and informed decisions. From, “The Silent Crisis of Bioethics Illiteracy,” published in Scientific American: Change will only occur when bioethics is broadly incorporated into school curricula [at an early age] and when our nation’s thought leaders begin to place emphasis on the importance of reflecting meaningfully in advance upon these issues… Often merely recognizing such issues in advance is winning the greater part of the battle. Just as we teach…
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Phillip Johnson: A Fond Farewell

ACLU, Arkansas, Barry Lynn, Darwinism, David Berlinski, Eugenie Scott, Evolution, Faith & Science, Festschrift, Firing Line, Florida State University, Intelligent Design, Kenneth Miller, Michael Behe, Michael Kinsley, Michael Ruse, Phillip E. Johnson, philosophy of biology, Richard Dawkins, The Problem of War, William F. Buckley Jr.
Editor’s note: Phillip E. Johnson, Berkeley law professor and author of Darwin on Trial and other books, died on November 2. Evolution News is sharing remembrances from staff, friends, and Fellows of Discovery Institute. Philosopher of biology Michael Ruse, cherished by ID proponents as a longtime friendly antagonist, is the author of The Problem of War: Darwinism, Christianity, and their Battle to Understand Human Conflict and other books. Professor Ruse directs the Program in History and Philosophy of Science at Florida State University. I have just learned of the death of Phillip Johnson. We were very much on different sides of the IDT [intelligent design theory] debate, but I think I can truly say that our intellectual (and faith) disagreements made no difference to our personal respect and (dare I say) affection. Phil was born…
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“Genomic Perfection” Versus “Cellular Survival”

cell, cellular survival, cleaning robots, DNA, DNA integrity, DNA lesion, DNA repair, environmental mutagens, genome, genomic perfection, Intelligent Design, mutations, passenger mutations, quality control mechanisms, Science (journal), WALL-E
Here is a thought-provoking hypothesis in this week’s Science about “genomic perfection” versus “cellular survival.” From “Cellular survival over genomic perfection“ (open access): The high number of passenger mutations, equivalent to 1000 to 10,000 per genome, in normal cells raises questions regarding why DNA quality control mechanisms have failed to limit mutagenesis. Perhaps a somewhat counterintuitive perspective can be considered: If DNA quality control pathways monitor and preserve DNA integrity too strictly, it could be detrimental to cellular survival. The repair of DNA lesions has a cost: It requires time and cellular resources. If every DNA lesion in a cell were repaired, avoiding mutations altogether, the cellular cost associated with performing that repair would have to increase in direct proportion to the amount of damage. In conditions of high DNA damage — through exposure to…
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The Works of Jesus in the Nicene Creed

Apologetics, ApologeticsGuy, Christianity, Cross, Evidence, history, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Mikel del Rosario, New Testament, Resurrection, The Nicene Creed, theology, Theology and Christian Apologetics, Tomb
By Mikel Del Rosario Jesus: The Essential Works What are the essential truths Christians believing about the things Jesus did? As defenders of the faith, we need to know which beliefs about Jesus’ deeds are essential and why we should believe them. I had a conversation with my mentor Darrell Bock about this on an episode of the Table Podcast focusing on the works of Jesus mentioned in the Nicene Creed—a collaborative statement of essential Christian beliefs crafted in 325 AD. This creed was based on the Apostle’s Creed and various Scriptures. Early creeds are a good reminder that the essentials of the Christian faith were not just made up recently but actually go back to the earliest memories of Jesus and the teachings of his official spokespeople. Let me…
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