Albert Einstein,
ancient Greeks,
Baruch Spinoza,
Christiaan Huygens,
Cosmos 3.0,
Evolution News,
extraterrestrial life,
Faith & Science,
Galileo Galilei,
Giordano Bruno,
harmonic law,
Herwart von Hohenburg,
historical errors,
Johannes Kepler,
Michael J. Crowe,
Michael Maestlin,
National Geographic Channel,
Neil deGrasse Tyson,
Physics, Earth & Space,
planetary motion,
René Descartes,
Saint Augustine,
The Assayer,
Two Books,
The third season of Cosmos has released four episodes so far, with more to come this Monday, on Fox and the National Geographic channel. Evolution News has commented already, here, here, here, and here. After watching these episodes, I have concluded that the most consequential historical error to correct as yet concerns the treatment of Spinoza in episode one. The series designates Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) as the next greatest persecuted hero of science after Giordano Bruno (as depicted in Cosmos 2.0; see my video discussion, “Unbelievable Mythbusting: Giordano Bruno Was a Martyr, Yes, but Not for Science”). Although Bruno was burned to death in 1600 for his religious (not scientific) views, the attempted murder of Spinoza, if it occurred, was likely due to a disputed business transaction (not science or…