Can Christianity Really Be The Only Means Of Salvation?

Al Serrato, Apologetics, Christianity, Exclusivism, Gospel, Jesus, Pluralism, salvation, sola Christus, Theology and Christian Apologetics
Most skeptics I know feel pretty confident that all religions “say basically the same thing.” If there actually is a God, they’re not particularly worried, because in their view, “being a good person” is really all that matters. As long as you are “sincere” in your beliefs, whether you’re Muslim, Christian, Hindu or a member of your own individual religion, it will turn out fine in the end. Many go so far as to say that they simply “won’t believe” in a God who warns of a narrow path to salvation. This view has always struck me as particularly odd, coming as it often does from people who subscribe to a view that nature is all there is, and that science is the best way to attain knowledge. It’s odd…
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I Never Expected to Doubt

Alisa Childers,, Apologetics, Christianity, Deconstruction, Deconversion, Doubt, Gospel, liberalism, Progressive Christianity, Theology and Christian Apologetics, Woke, Wokism
“Oh Jesus! Jesus!” My spirit sprung to prayer with catlike reflexes as I watched my 2-year-old daughter tumble down the 15-step staircase. I stood helpless as her little body hurled toward the hardwood floor. She stood up without a scratch . . . but my soul didn’t. In that moment, I was never more aware of the wound that had been festering for months. The wound was doubt. Experiencing Doubt I had been experiencing doubt about God’s existence and the Christianity I had believed to be true my whole life. But until that moment, I didn’t realize how deeply that doubt had wrapped itself around my mind. To the casual observer, my daughter fell, I prayed, and she was okay. But for the first time in my life, I wasn’t so sure…
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Archaeology Contributes to the Witness of the Bible

4. Is the NT True?, Apologetics, Archaeology,, biblical apologetics, Christianity, Deanna Huff, Gospel, historical apologetics, History of the bible, is the Bible true, JEDP theory
Can stones give you insights into the past? What do they tell you? When I encountered the Rosetta Stone at the British Museum, I was surprised that a stone could say so much. Archaeological pieces like this provide a witness to a society in time. The Rosetta Stone contributes to the witness of the Bible. It also allows us to gain insights into how ancient cultures lived and experienced life. Archaeologist Randall Price states, “The Bible cannot be proved or disproved by archaeology. . . however, archaeology can bring historical confirmation to the historical statements in the text of the Scripture.” [i] Although archaeology cannot provide certainty of the Bible, it is a witness to the Bible, it contributes to its reliability, and it is a voice offering evidence to confirm…
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What is Logos? A look at John 1:1-3

Apologetics, Christianity, christology,, Jesus, John 1:1-13, logos, theology, Theology and Christian Apologetics, Thomas Moller
Introduction One of my favorite passages in the gospels is the prologue of John (1:1-18). I particularly find the first three verses, John 1:1-3, and the use of the “Word”, or Logos in Greek, interesting. In those three verses, a type of creation narrative arises, revolving around Logos, in which Logos is described as being divine, eternal, and the creator. Later in the prologue, in John 1:17, Logos is revealed to be Jesus Christ, thus applying the description of Logos as divine, eternal, and the creator to Jesus Christ. John 1:1-3 states, “In the beginning was the Word [Logos], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made…
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3 Reasons to Believe in God

2. Does God Exist?, Apologetics, Arguments for God, Christianity, design argument, First Cause Argument, God’s existence, Gospel,, Kalam, Moral Argument, Steve Lee
In presenting apologetics there are certain points I focus on in order to systematically examine the evidence for the truth of Christianity.  While there are many other areas of interest and concern for the apologist, these areas are essential in determining the veracity of the Christian religion. These main features of Christianity include: The existence of God The reliability of the Bible The divine claims of Jesus the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. I organize these four points in the form of a question, which can possibly be answered yes or no, in order to be objective in the analysis. I’d like to focus on point #1 by asking the question: “Does God Exist?” Does God Exist? Obviously, if God doesn’t exist then Christianity cannot be true.  It is…
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How to Talk with Kids about Jesus

4. Is the NT True?, Apologetics, biblical apologetics, Christian parenting, Christianity, discipleship, Evangelism, Gospel,, Jennifer Defrates, Mama Bear Apologetics, Natasha Crain, Talking With Your Kids About Jesus
I used to think I knew how to talk with kids about Jesus to help them establish a lasting faith. It seemed simple enough. Read the Bible. And absolutely, the Bible is where we should begin. Reading the Bible together regularly is the best way to open a dialogue with your kids about Jesus. Everything about Jesus must begin with the Bible because that is how God chose to reveal His truths to us about Himself, the world, and Jesus. But, that isn’t as simple as it used to be. My parents taught me that the Bible was truth, and that was that, until college, where I first faced atheism as the predominant worldview. (And my faith was shaken – but more on that later). But we didn’t have the…
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3 Simple Ways the Birth of Jesus Changed the World

3D Glasses Categories: Theology and Christian Apologetics, Apologetics, Christianity, Christmas, Gospel, Jesus, Natasha Crain,, Theology and Christian Apologetics, Worldview
“When we see Jesus as he is, we must turn away or else shamelessly adore him. That must be kept in mind for any authentic understanding of the power of Christian faith.” This quote, from Dallas Willard’s book, “The Divine Conspiracy,” challenged me the moment I read it this week. There is no better time to remind ourselves of what it means to shamelessly adore Jesus than at Christmas. I’m convicted this week that shameless adoration becomes most possible when we truly grasp what our lives would be like if He had not yet been born. 5 minutes before His birth, the world was completely different. 5 minutes before His birth, the world was completely different. It’s so easy to forget this, because all we know living in the second…
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Humbly He Came

4. Is the NT True?, Alexa Cramer, Apologetics, Baby Jesus, Christianity, Gospel, humility, MamaBearApologetics,, Nativity
There are a lot of things that are true but are hard to believe, but the fact that the Creator of our universe has pooped in a diaper is a big one. I mean, really think about that. And if your first reaction is to think that the opening line of this post sounds crass (which is a natural reaction given Who we are talking about), you are only reinforcing the point I’m about to make: Our all-powerful almighty God entered into this broken and dangerous world as a helpless baby. The One we worship above all else fed at His mother’s breasts and, yes, even pooped in His diaper. Although the song “Away in a Manger” suggests our Savior didn’t cry, I just don’t buy it. He was fully…
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Historical Bias, Objectivity, And The Truth Of Christianity

4. Is the NT True?, Apologetics, bias, Brian Huffling,, Christianity, Epistemology, Gospel, historical apologetics, knowledge, objectivity, Philosophy of History, Worldview
“Historians are biased and choose what they report. As such, history can’t be known.” That’s a typical objection to the ability to know history. If such objections prove that we can’t know history, then we can’t know that Christianity is true since it is known through history and historical claims. In his prologue, Luke says, “Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us, it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught” (Luke…
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Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin? Does It Matter?

4. Is the NT True?, Alisa Childers,, Apologetics, Christianity, Christmas, Gospel, Jesus, miracles, Nativity, New Testament, virgin birth
“It doesn’t really matter if Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit or by Joseph’s seed. What matters is that Jesus came to earth, died, and was resurrected.” This is more or less what was said in a conversation I had several years ago with a now self-proclaimed progressive Christian. At the time, he was trying to work out his theology. Today, his words ring with expectancy to be answered. Was Jesus born of a virgin? Does it matter in regard to our faith if He was? Virgin Birth: Negotiable or Not? The virgin birth of Jesus Christ has always been considered a non-negotiable core doctrine of Christianity and is mentioned in the earliest creeds. Among Christians, this doctrine wasn’t broadly questioned until a period of history referred to as…
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