Natural Selection: The God that Failed

Alfred North Whitehead, Apostle Paul, Catholic Church, Christians, Darwinian paradigm, Darwinism, earthquakes, Europe, Evolution, Faith & Science, faith and science, god-of-the-gaps fallacy, Greek philosophers, Human Origins, human soul, intelligent agent, Intelligent Design, John Lennox, lightning, New Testament, Nobel laureates, non-coding, Poseidon, pre-Socratics, Robert Laughlin, Scriptures, thunder, Zeus
The god-of-the-gaps objection does have some merit to it, but it does not rule out ID. The progress of science has dethroned a multitude of false gods. Source
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The True Meaning of ‘Headship’ and ‘Head Coverings’ for Women: A Theological Perspective of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

1 Corinthians 11, Apostle Paul, Christian Marriage, Complementarianism, cultural apologetics, Culture and Politics, Egalitarianism, Ephesians 5, Feminism, Gender Roles, Head Coverings, Jason Jimenez, marriage, Patriarchy, Stand Strong Ministries, Submission, Theology and Christian Apologetics,
In 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, the apostle Paul addresses the topic of head coverings for women, a subject that has sparked much debate, confusion, and substandard interpretations throughout history. In order to truly understand Paul’s meaning, my goal is to provide a proper exegesis and interpretation that upholds the purity of the text and lends itself to how we are to show unity and equality among men and women. Respect the Context Contrary to misconceptions, Paul’s intention was not to demean women or diminish their role in the home or society. Instead, he addressed the issue of proper respect within marriage and worship. Before delving into 11:2-16, however, it is only appropriate to set the stage before turning back to the previous chapter. In 1 Corinthians 10:31-33, Paul writes, “So, whether…
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Engineering Principles Explain Biological Systems Better than Evolutionary Theory

antiquity, Apostle Paul, Aristotle, atomism, biology, Charles Darwin, Copernican Revolution, Engineering, Evolution, Francisco Ayala, genetics, Hippocrates, Intelligent Design, Lucretius, materialism, Modern Synthesis, natural processes, Neo-Darwinism, philosophy, Plato, population genetics, Romans, Science and Faith in Dialogue, teleology
Hippocrates proposed in the late 5th or early 4th century BC a model for heredity and adaptation that Charles Darwin described as nearly identical to his own. Source
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