Recovering the Right Brain in a Scientistic Culture

Artificial Intelligence, Atheism, beauty, brain, Culture, Culture & Ethics, faith, Faith & Science, human experience, Ian McGilchrist, Intelligent Design, left brain, Living in Wonder, Matthew Crawford, Meaning, New Atheism, Paul Kingsnorth, Peter Savodnik, right brain, Rod Dreher, scientism, secular culture, Technology, The Free Press, The World Beyond Your Head
Science and technology were hailed as the saviors of mankind, but instead, they’ve helped to push out crucial aspects of the human experience.  Source
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Life and Origami: Lessons from the Art of Paper-Folding

AI systems, amino acids, Artificial Intelligence, boats, brain, butterflies, cranes, Creativity, Cyclommatus metallifer, DNA, embryonic development, Evolution, flowers, folds, information content, Intelligent Design, intelligent entities, Isaac Gonzalez, large language models, nucleotides, origami, planes, simulations, spinal cord, Works of Satoshi Kamiya 2
The differences between an origami figure and a living thing are more instructive than their similarities. Source
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Is AI Dangerous? (Part 2)

Alexa Cramer, Apologetics, Artificial Intelligence, Christianity, cultural apologetics, Culture and Politics, Gospel,, Science and Technology, Techie
In Part 1, we may have virtually scared the pants off our readers with our semi-dystopian view of the future. But everything’s going to be okay, mama. You’re fine. I’m fine. Everything’s FINE! No, really, we’re all fine. Let me ask you something: can you give me an example of any time the future wasn’t scary? I doubt it. On this side of heaven, the future will always be uncertain. So, what we can do is cling to that which we are certain of – absolute truth. And that truth is found in a person: Jesus. Seek truth, and you’ll find Christ and His promises. Seek Christ, and you’ll find truth and clarity. Consequently, it’s no surprise that God’s number one enemy is working relentlessly to distort our view of truth. Because that’s ALL…
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What the Heck is Artificial Intelligence and Why Does it Matter?

AI, Alex Cramer, Artificial Intelligence, consciousness, cultural apologetics, Legislating Morality, Culture & Politics,, personhood, Science and Technology, Techies
A TikToker programs himself a virtual AI girlfriend and decides to “euthanize” her when she becomes less responsive, and he falls into depression. Entire porn sites are dedicated to stealing the images of female online influencers (specifically Twitch streamers) using AI to create “deepfake” pornography. And creative things that we typically perceive as uniquely human, like art and music, are being generated by AI . . . and they are impressive, to say the least. There’s no denying it. Things are getting really weird. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage in 2023, and why shouldn’t it be? We just got over a pandemic. Time to bring in the free-thinking robots. We’ve got to keep things exciting! If the world isn’t about to end, is it even worth living? No…
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The Ethics of AI in Writing

Academic Integrity, Apologetics, Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, cheating, Christianity, Gospel, John Ferrer, Legislating Morality, Culture & Politics, plagiarism, publishing, Writing ethics
When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, I’m a luddite. I’m analog over digital. Forget Pandora® and Spotify® or even CD’s. Vinyl LP’s rule them all. I grew up playing outside, climbing trees, chasing things, reveling over sticks – not joysticks, just sticks. If they look like a sword or a gun, even better. I’m a Labrador retriever, but literate. I have the tech-savvy of your average canine too. That’s because I’m Gen X. I was raised before the interweb, before social media and Netflix. I remember Atari, Nintendo, and Sega, and Alladin’s Palace. I slogged through the dial-up era. I even met my wife on Myspace. Rock on! When Sunday comes, I actually leave my house to go to church! I turn my phone off to listen to the sermon.…
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Why AI Won’t Destroy the World, or Save It

Artificial Intelligence, Bill Gates, Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence, Elon Musk, evolutionary innovations, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, Mark Zuckerberg, Neuroscience & Mind, Nobel laureates, Robert J. Marks, robots, Roger Penrose, Sir Roger Penrose, Stephen Hawking, The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith
Will robots or other computers ever become so fast and powerful that they become conscious, creative, and free? Source
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Science Paper: Use Artificial Intelligence to Challenge Evolution

Albert Einstein, Artificial Intelligence, biologists, chess, Darwinian evolution, David Hullender, Dennis Noble, Elsevier, equations, Evolution, evolutionary models, Gregory Wray, Intelligent Design, Isaac Newton, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Kevin Leland, logic, Olen Brown, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, scientific inquiry, self-assembly
The authors conclude, "It seems remote that AI would conclude that it is ‘turtles all the way down’.” Source
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Top Five Questions on the Origin of Language — Answered!

Afroasiatic languages, Anthony Esolen, Arabic, Artificial Intelligence, Books, brains, Chinese, computer-based theory, creoles, Danny Hieber, Discover Magazine, Dutch, editors, English, Evolution, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, language family, languages, linguists, Lucy Tu, materialist theories, Miami, Neuroscience & Mind, oldest language, Phillip M. Carter, pidgins, Proto-Sino-Tibetan, quantum physics, Richard Futrell, Scientific American, second foreign language, software, South Florida, Spanish, Tamil, University of California Irvine, writers
We aren’t even sure which is the world’s oldest spoken language, though Hebrew, Arabic, and Chinese have impressively long histories. Source
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Deep Fakes and Propaganda for Artificial General Intelligence

algorithms, artificial general intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, authenticity, computing machines, Culture & Ethics, deep fakes, deep learning, deep neural networks, democracy, discriminator, fabrications, generative adversarial networks, generator, historical figures, image manipulation, images, information integrity, lip-sync accuracy, Neuroscience & Mind, personal privacy, public opinion, robot, Security, table tennis, trust, Videos, Wizard of Oz
The video shows a supposed table tennis match between a robot and a top human player. Yet the video is not of an actual match. Source
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Artificial General Intelligence: Machines vs. Organisms

Accelerating Change Conference, algorithm, An Idol for Destruction (series), Are We Spiritual Machines?, artificial general intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, brain, ChatGPT, Chinese, Chinese Room argument, computers, consciousness, COSM, Culture & Ethics, endogenous activity, George Gilder, Gottfried Leibniz, Jay Richards, John Searle, John Smart, jumbo jet, machines, Marvin Minsky, Mastery (book), Michael Denton, Monadology, Moore’s law, Neuroscience & Mind, organisms, Ray Kurzweil, Robert Greene, Stanford University, Telecosm, The Age of Intelligent Machines, The Age of Spiritual Machines, Thomas Ray, Turing Machine, Venice
It may seem that I’m picking too much on Ray Kurzweil. But he and I have been crossing paths for a long time. Source
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