No. 2 Story of 2024: Darwinists Devolve

Ann Gauger, atheists, Brian Miller, Brown University, Casey Luskin, Charles Darwin, citation bluffing, Darwin Day, Darwin's Black Box, Darwinian materialism, Darwinian theory, Darwinism, Dave Farina, Debating Design, Douglas Axe, Emily Reeves, Ernst Mayr, Evolution, Finding Darwin’s God, Francis Collins, Guillermo Gonzalez, Icons of Evolution, Intelligent Design, Jerry Coyne, Jonathan McLatchie, Junk DNA, Kenneth Miller, Marcos Eberlin, Michael Behe, Nature’s Destiny, No Free Lunch, Oxford University, Oxford University Press, P.Z. Myers, Professor Dave, proteins, Richard Dawkins, Robert Laughlin, Signature in the Cell, Stanford University, Stephen Jay Gould, Stephen Meyer, The Design Inference, The Edge of Evolution, The Privileged Planet, Thomas Nagel, University of Chicago, University of Minnesota, What Darwin Didn’t Know
One sign of a robust scientific theory is the quality of its most prominent proponents. But serious advocates of Darwinism have become an endangered species. Source
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Merry Christmas! No. 8 Story of 2024: Reagan’s Personal Argument for Intelligent Design

An American Life, arms control, atheists, birds’ eggs, birthday, butterflies, Capitalism, Christianity, Douglas Brinkley, evil empire, Faith & Science, faith and science, Galesburg, General Secretary, Greeks, Illinois, Intelligent Design, Jews, Jimmy Carter, Kremlin, Lessons My Father Taught Me, Mars, Michael Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Moscow, Moslems, National Prayer Breakfast, notetaker, Otangelo Grasso, Paul Kengor, political freedom, Protestants, Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, Red Square, Romans, Ron Reagan, Ronald Reagan, Russian Orthodox Church, Soviet Union, St. Catherine’s Hall, The Notes, The Reagan Diaries, U.S. Constitution, Ukrainian Catholics, Whittaker Chambers, Witness
An untold story from the final year of Reagan’s Presidency about science, faith, and intelligent design. Source
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On Giving Tuesday, Feelings Are Not Enough

atheists, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Brian Miller, Casey Luskin, Center for Science and Culture, Christianity, Conversion, depression, Discovery Institute Press, emotion, Evolution News, Faith & Science, faith and science, Father Martin Hilbert, Feelings, Günter Bechly, Intelligent Design, John West, Jonathan McLatchie, Muslims, new york, Richard Dawkins, self-hatred, Somalia, Stephen Meyer, suicide, William Dembski
Here was a believer, a very thoughtful one, who knew nothing about whether the God hypothesis can be defended on objective grounds. Source
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Stuart Burgess Overturns the Claim that the ACL Is Poorly Designed

ACL, Alex Bezzerides, atheists, bioengineering, biology, durability, Engineering, engineers, Evolution, Evolution Gone Wrong, flexibility, human knee, Intelligent Design, joints, Nathan Lents, range of motion, Sports, stress, Stuart Burgess, The Human Evolution Blog, tissues
The explanation for ACL injuries is not poor design. Burgess noted in my interview with him that ACL tears were far less frequent in past centuries. Source
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In Our World, Multiple Levels of Intelligent Design

animals, atheists, beehive, biochemistry, bird’s nest, Canceled Science, Christianity, classroom, clouds, dumb luck, eric hedin, Faith & Science, faith and science, functionality, George MacDonald, Grand Canyon, human race, Intelligent Design, laws of nature, leaves, Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, rain, Robert Falconer, spiders's web, Taj Mahal
We find higher genres of design that cannot be explained by appealing to the actions of natural forces and laws of nature. Source
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Darwinian Death: Euthanasia Meets Eugenics

agnostics, atheists, Culture & Ethics, disabilities, Edward Tylor, Ernst Haeckel, Essays of the Birmingham Speculative Club, eugenics, euthanasia, Evolution, F. H. Bradley, Fortnightly Review, Francis Galton, Germany, Hans-Walter Schmuhl, Ian Dowbiggin, illnesses, International Journal of Ethics, Judeo-Christian tradition, Lionel Tollemache, Natural History of Creation, Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, Nick Kemp, Punishment, self-murder, self-redemption, The Cure for Incurables, The Wonders of Life, usefulness, World War I
One powerful influence on the early euthanasia movement was eugenics ideology, which emerged first in the 1860s under the leadership of Francis Galton. Source
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Darwin Devotion Detector: Take the Test Now

adaptation, atheists, Charles Darwin, chimpanzee, common descent, Darwin Day, Darwin Devotion Detector, eugenics, Evolution, free will, genes, Germany, humanzee, Intelligent Design, J.B.S. Haldane, Jane Austen, Judge John E. Jones, Kitzmiller v. Dover, Kolkata, Love, Meaning, meme theory, natural selection, population growth, purpose, rape, Richard Dawkins, secular saint, United States, value
A tongue-in-cheek questionnaire that nonetheless provides real insight into the extent to which Darwinian ideas have captured our thinking. Source
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