Günter Bechly on Life’s Sudden Information Explosions

ancestral species, Avalon explosion, bacteria, biological explosions, body plans, Cambrian Explosion, common ancestry, descendant species, Evolution, genes, Günter Bechly, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, mammals, neo-Darwinian process, paleontologists, paleontology, placental mammals, Podcast, protein folds, Sarah Chaffee, Stephen Meyer, Triassic explosion
“There’s no reasonable way,” Bechly concludes, “to get from bacteria to mammals via evolutionary processes.” Source
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No. 10 Story of 2024: Evolutionary Biologist Concedes Intelligent Design Is Cutting Edge

biology, Bret Weinstein, Cambrian Explosion, Charles Darwin, cutting edge, DarkHorse Podcast, Darwinian evolution, Darwinism, Darwinists, David Gelernter, Evolution, evolutionary biology, Heather Heying, Intelligent Design, Jerry Coyne, Jesus, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Meyer, The Selfish Gene, whale sharks, Yale University
Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying are well-known evolutionary biologists (and husband and wife) with a podcast. Source
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“Doesn’t the Fossil Record Prove Darwinian Theory?”

abrupt transitions, Avalon explosion, Big Bangs, Cambrian Explosion, Cambridge, Creativity, Darwinian evolution, David Berlinski, Ediacaran biota, England, Evolution, explosions, flowering plants, fossil record, Gerd Müller, gradualism, Günter Bechly, Intelligent Design, jumps, Neo-Darwinism, paleontology, predictions, revolutions, Richard Dawkins, Royal Society, saltations
You’ve heard that challenge a million times. But as paleontologist Günter Bechly explains, the opposite is true. Source
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Fossil Friday: New Research on How Delicate Soft-Bodied Organisms Can Be Perfectly Preserved

arthropods, bacterial decay, Burgess Shale, Cambrian Explosion, Charles Doolittle Walcott, China, clay mineralogy, Devonian Hunsrück Shale, digestive tracts, Emu Bay Shale, Evolution, eyes, Fossil Friday (series), fossils, Intelligent Design, Kangaroo Island, Karl Popper, microbes, mudslides, paleontologists, paleontology, preservation, South Australia, taphonomic processes, Theodosius Dobzhansky, turbidites, Waptia fieldensis
All the just-so-stories of macroevolution are completely dispensable in real (experimental) biology. Source
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Fossil Friday:  An Extinct Animal Body Plan from the Cambrian Explosion

Burgess Shale, Cambrian Explosion, Cambroernida, Charles Walcott, Chengjiang biota, convergence, Deuterostomia, Early Cambrian, echinoderms, Eldonia ludwigi, Evolution, gobbledygook, hemichordates, Herpetogaster, Herpetogaster collinsi, Late Devonian, Michael Denton, paleontology, Paleozoic, Protostomia, Rotadiscus grandis
One of the strongest arguments in favor of Darwinian evolution gets more and more dismantled, which totally vindicates the critique by Michael Denton. Source
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Fossil Friday: Chitinozoa — Enigmatic Microfossils from the Paleozoic Era

animal phyla, asexual reproduction, Cambrian Explosion, chitin, Chitinozoa, cocoon, Early Cambrian, egg cases, Evolution, Fossil Friday (series), fossil record, Gotland, great Ordovician biodiversification event, marine ecosystems, microfossils, paleontology, planktonic organisms, protists, SEM image, Silurian Period, single-celled organisms, sudden appearance, Sweden, testate amoebae, transitional fossils
We may now add the mysterious Chitinozoa to this ever-growing list of products of the burst of biological creativity in the Early Cambrian. Source
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No. 3 Story of 2023: Textbook Wisdom on Origin of Multicellular Life Turns Out to Be Wrong

animal body plans, Avalon explosion, Cambrian Explosion, Cambrian News, Christian Bjerrum, consensus, Darwin's Doubt, Ediacaran biota, Ediacaran organisms, Evolution, Fossil Friday, fossil record, Ken Towe, oxygen, paleontology, Precambrian, Smithsonian Institution, Stephen Meyer
Incidentally, a few days ago I received a message from my paleobiologist colleague Dr. Ken Towe, a retired senior scientist at the Smithsonian Institution. Source
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Fossil Friday: Cambrian Bryozoa Come and Go

bilaterians, body plans, Bryozoa, Cambrian animals, Cambrian Explosion, Carboniferous strata, chordates, Evolution, evolutionary biology, Fossil Friday, fossil record, great Ordovician biodiversification event, green algae, inkblots, invertebrates, lophophore, Lower Cambrian, Lower Ordovician, metazoans, microCT, Middle Pennsylvanian, molecular clock studies, moss animals, Nevada, Ohio, paleontology, phosphatic fossils, Pywackia baileyi, South China, tentacles
This is a field that often has more in common with the interpretation of inkblots in Rorschach tests than with hard science. Source
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