Our View of Nature Matters; Here’s Why

Adolf Hitler, authoritarianism, beauty, Berghof, Cambridge, Casey Luskin, Center for Science and Culture, Colorado, dehumanization, Denyse O'Leary, Discovery Institute Academy, DiscoveryU, Education, Evolution, German-Austrian border, information codes, Intelligent Design, Long Story Short, meadows, Michael Egnor, mountains, nature, serenity, Stephen Meyer, The Immortal Mind, YouTube videos
I was standing amidst the ruins of the Berghof, Hitler’s retreat near the German-Austrian border, where some of the worst atrocities in history were planned. Source
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On Giving Tuesday, Feelings Are Not Enough

atheists, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Brian Miller, Casey Luskin, Center for Science and Culture, Christianity, Conversion, depression, Discovery Institute Press, emotion, Evolution News, Faith & Science, faith and science, Father Martin Hilbert, Feelings, Günter Bechly, Intelligent Design, John West, Jonathan McLatchie, Muslims, new york, Richard Dawkins, self-hatred, Somalia, Stephen Meyer, suicide, William Dembski
Here was a believer, a very thoughtful one, who knew nothing about whether the God hypothesis can be defended on objective grounds. Source
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Melissa Cain Travis Is in New Zealand — See Her in Tauranga This Weekend

Albert Einstein, Center for Science and Culture, cosmology, Discovery Institute, Faith & Science, fine-tuning, Intelligent Design, Johannes Kepler, Melissa Cain Travis, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand, science and faith, Tauranga, theism, Thinking God’s Thoughts, Thinking Matters Conference, universe
Our colleague Dr. Melissa Cain Travis is among the most popular speakers on intelligent design. Source
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To Address the Problem of Evil, Intelligent Design Is Better Situated than Darwinism

atoms, C.S. Lewis, cancer, Center for Science and Culture, Darwinists, David Klinghoffer, Edward O. Wilson, evil, Evolution, Faith & Science, Ferrari, Frans de Waal, Guillermo Gonzalez, https://returnofthegodhypothesis.com, Intelligent Design, John West, Jonathan Witt, laws of nature, Lord of the Flies, molecules, morality, natural evil, Nicholas Wade, Return of the God Hypothesis, Richard Hill, Stephen Meyer, Tacoma Narrows bridge, The C. S. Lewis Readers’ Encyclopedia, The Farm at the Center of the Universe, The Problem of Pain, trade-offs, William Golding
The questions I see coming into the Center for Science and Culture from our readers, friends, and supporters are thought-provoking. Source
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Steven Buri, Wesley Smith: What Is a Human Being?

Angels, animals, Bruce Chapman, Center for Science and Culture, Center for Wealth and Poverty, creator, Culture & Ethics, drug addiction, George Gilder, guerrilla, harm reduction, homelessness, housing first, human being, human exceptionalism, Human Origins, Humanize, humans, Intelligent Design, Jonathan Choe, journalism, mental illness, Steven Buri, think tank, vision, Wesley J. Smith
That politicians and activists can watch their fellow men wallow in degradation this way is itself a twisted tribute to human exceptionalism. Source
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I Grew Up with Intelligent Design Videos — Let’s Make More!

cell machinery, Center for Science and Culture, chameleons, common sense, Discovery Institute, DNA, Evolution, Howard Glicksman, humor, Intelligent Design, kinesins, Long Story Short, media, Michael Behe, microtubules, monkeys, mousetrap, movie producer, newspapers, proteins, replication, Secrets of the Cell, shrimp, Steve Laufmann, turtles, Your Designed Body, YouTube videos
Even as a child, I could sense the scientific rigor and common sense in CSC videos, and I learned to recognize media hype about evolution for what it is. Source
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Un-Canceled Science

astronomy, Ball State University, Biola University, Canceled Science, Casey Luskin, Center for Science and Culture, cosmology, Discovery Institute, Discovery Institute Press, Evolution News, faculty, free speech, God’s Not Dead, history, information theory, molecular biology, philosophy, Physics, Earth & Space, reasons to believe, Rice Broocks, science, teaching, tenure, The Boundaries of Science
in one event, the number of people who heard this evidence was more than twice the total number of students who participated in my Boundaries of Science course. Source
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Transformative: “Mary,” a PhD Biochemistry Student, on the Summer Seminars on ID

biochemistry, biology, Brian Miller, careers, Center for Science and Culture, curiosity, Education, elegance, Emily Kurlinski, Emily Sandico, friendship, humanities, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, interview, Natural Sciences, natural world, nature, order, Podcast, pseudonym, Research, science, Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design
Why does she use a pseudonym in the interview? You may be able to guess, but listen in to hear her explanation. Source
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