How Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Hinders Scientific Progress

Bible, BioLogos Foundation, Charles Darwin, debate, disagreement, Evangelical Christians, Evolution, Faith & Science, faith and science, Francis Collins, free speech, ID The Future, ideology, John West, Podcast, scientific enterprise, scientific materialism, Stockholm Syndrome Christianity, The Language of God, theistic evolution, theology, United States
In a nutshell, theistic evolution is the attempt to reconcile belief in God with the standard evolutionary account of life’s origins. Source
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Engineered Elegance: Checkpoint Pathways of the Cell Cycle

cell division, cellular life, Charles Darwin, checkpoints, DNA Damage Checkpoint, effectors, Engineering, Evolution, foresight, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, Jonathan McLatchie, pathways, Podcast, Restriction Checkpoint, self-replication, sensors, spindle assembly checkpoint, transducers
One of the most incredible features of cellular life is the capability of self-replication. Source
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Intelligent Design in the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle

cell cycle, cell's, Charles Darwin, eukaryotes, eukaryotic cell cycle, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, Jonathan McLatchie, kinetochores, Latin, microtubules, mitosis, modifications, On the Origin of Species, prokaryotes, unguided evolution
An inspection of the components and processes in eukaryotic cell division demonstrates just one of many such systems that Invalidate Mr. Darwin’s theory. Source
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“Evolution in Real Time” (Yeah, Right)

anole lizards, breastmilk, Charles Darwin, Chlamydia, complex systems, Complexity, crab snails, Democrats, Evolution, foresight, gene flow, Georgia Tech, hemoglobin, Intelligent Design, interrelated parts, lactose, lionfish, mice, Michael Behe, mouse fur, multicellularity, natural selection, Parachlamydia, Republicans, Rosemary Grant, Rowan Barrett, speciation, The Atlantic, Tibet, University of Konstanz
Yet another article announces a sociological study has found public attention towards the lionfish “is aiding in monitoring its evolution nearly in real time.” Source
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Fossil Friday: A Scientific Controversy About Warm-Blooded Animals

birds, Brian Gardiner, Charles Darwin, convergent adaptations, Darwinism, dinosaurs, Dromaeosauridae, Evolution, Fossil Friday (series), Green River Formation, Haematothermia, Intelligent Design, John Ray, mammals, Nahmavis grande, paleontology, Philippe Janvier, physiology, pterosaurs, Richard Dawkins, Richard Owen, spermatozoa, synapsid, Søren Løvtrup, warm-blooded animals, Wyoming
How do popularizers of Darwinism such as Richard Dawkins react? Unsurprisingly, they just ignore the evidence. Source
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No. 2 Story of 2024: Darwinists Devolve

Ann Gauger, atheists, Brian Miller, Brown University, Casey Luskin, Charles Darwin, citation bluffing, Darwin Day, Darwin's Black Box, Darwinian materialism, Darwinian theory, Darwinism, Dave Farina, Debating Design, Douglas Axe, Emily Reeves, Ernst Mayr, Evolution, Finding Darwin’s God, Francis Collins, Guillermo Gonzalez, Icons of Evolution, Intelligent Design, Jerry Coyne, Jonathan McLatchie, Junk DNA, Kenneth Miller, Marcos Eberlin, Michael Behe, Nature’s Destiny, No Free Lunch, Oxford University, Oxford University Press, P.Z. Myers, Professor Dave, proteins, Richard Dawkins, Robert Laughlin, Signature in the Cell, Stanford University, Stephen Jay Gould, Stephen Meyer, The Design Inference, The Edge of Evolution, The Privileged Planet, Thomas Nagel, University of Chicago, University of Minnesota, What Darwin Didn’t Know
One sign of a robust scientific theory is the quality of its most prominent proponents. But serious advocates of Darwinism have become an endangered species. Source
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No. 4 Story of 2024: Darwin’s Abominable Mystery Corroborated Again

abominable mystery, angiosperms, biological novelty, biology, Charles Darwin, diversification, Early Cretaceous, Evolution, flowering plants, Fossil Friday (series), genomes, Intelligent Design, jumps, Las Hoyas, Late Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, Montsechia vidalii, nature, Nature (journal), paleontology, Philip Donoghue, Spain
This notorious discontinuity in the fossil record did not get any smaller with 160 years of research since Darwin, but instead became more and more acute. Source
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Sorry, Dr. Coyne: There Is No Religion-Science Conflict

al-Khwarizmi, algebra, algorithm, Charles Darwin, Evangelical Christianity, Faith & Science, Grand Unified Theory, Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, Issac Newton, James Ferguson, Jan Spitzer, Jerry Coyne, Jesus, Journal of Molecular Evolution, Matías Cabello, Michael Behe, Nicolaus Copernicus, religion, revolutionibus, Theory of Everything, Why Evolution Is True
I dare say that Michael Behe has had a far greater influence on the field of evolutionary biology than Jerry Coyne has. Source
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