Who’s Teaching Happy Lies? with Melissa Dougherty

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Dr. Frank Turek, False Teachers, Happy Lies, Melissa Dougherty, morality, philosophy, Podcast, religion, Teacher, theology
In last week’s episode, Melissa Dougherty, author of the brand-new book, ‘Happy Lies‘, joined Frank to discuss the foundational beliefs of the New Thought movement and how its theology has misled many well-meaning Christians. This week, Melissa is back to dig even deeper into the surprising and troubling connections between New Thought and the Word of Faith movement and to share names of specific teachers of this false doctrine. Tune in as they answer questions like: How did the “seeker-friendly” church model begin and why doesn’t it work long-term? Does Joel Osteen believe that we’re “little gods”? Is it ok to name false teachers? How can New Thought and Word of Faith potentially shipwreck your faith? Would Jesus and the Apostles agree with these teachings? You definitely don’t want to miss…
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Are You Believing Happy Lies? with Melissa Dougherty

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Church, Dr. Frank Turek, Happy Lies, Melissa Dougherty, morality, New Age, philosophy, Podcast, religion, theology
Is the Bible just about encouragement, living “your truth,” seeking personal happiness, finding your identity, and manifesting your desires? This self-centered perspective has quietly crept into the minds of many well-meaning Christians who are influenced by cultural lies that have been disguised as spiritual truths. But what are some of these “happy lies” you might unknowingly believe as a Christian and how can you correct them? In this week’s podcast, Frank welcomes our good friend, author, and Christian YouTuber, Melissa Dougherty, to discuss her brand new book, ‘Happy Lies: How a Movement You (Probably) Never Heard Of Shaped Our Self-Obsessed World‘. Together, they’ll dive into the beliefs of the New Thought movement and its profound (yet often unnoticed) impact on the modern Church. During their conversation, Frank and Melissa will tackle questions like: What is…
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Why Do You Do What You Do: Truth or Incentives? – Part 2

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Dr. Frank Turek, FOMO, Incentives, morality, philosophy, Podcast, religion, theology
Are you following the truth or are you following incentives that may cause you to turn your back on Christianity and throw Jesus under the bus? On this midweek podcast episode, Frank continues the conversation on the powerful incentives that often prevent us from denying ourselves and picking up our cross for Christ as we go through our daily lives. He’ll answer questions like: What does FOMO (the fear of missing out) reveal about our underlying motivations? Why does the question, “If Christianity were true, would you be a Christian?” often reveal a non-believer’s true intentions and desires? What did Norman Geisler mean when he said, “Fraternity will almost always overcome theology.”? What are some examples from the Bible when people follow incentives instead of following Christ? Near the end…
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Why Do You Do What You Do: Truth or Incentives?

2025 goals, Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Dr. Frank Turek, Incentives, morality, philosophy, Podcast, religion, Same As Ever, theology, truth
Blaise Pascal, once said, “People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof, but on the basis of what they find attractive.” Have you ever taken the time to reflect on what it is that primarily motivates all of us to make decisions? Is it based on what’s objectively true or what we find attractive? Are we following facts or are we more inclined to follow our desires and self-preservation? It’s a brand-new year, and since many of us set goals for 2025, Frank is kicking things off with an investigation into how incentives can often lead both Christians and non-Christians away from the truth; how to recognize when we’re being influenced by cultural peer pressure; and how incentives have historically led the masses to do…
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The Top 3 Things Christians Need to Know About Government, Evolution, and the Health Crisis with Dr. Jay Richards

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Dr. Frank Turek, Dr. Jay Richards, Evolution, government, health, morality, philosophy, Podcast, religion, theology
In our final podcast episode of 2024, Dr. Jay Richards returns to discuss three essential topics that often cause confusion and dissent among both Christians and non-Christians in America today: the history and purpose of government, macroevolutionary theory vs. intelligent design, and the root cause of chronic disease. Together, Frank and Jay address questions like: What is the biblical purpose of government? Where do our rights come from? How should we define American exceptionalism? Was America founded on Christianity or something else? What did Thomas Jefferson mean by “separation of church and state” and how has the term been misused and misunderstood? What is macroevolutionary theory and why does it fail to explain the origin of life and new life forms? How should Christians respond to the “God of the…
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What Every Christian Needs to Know About Economics and Transgenderism with Dr. Jay Richards

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Dr. Frank Turek, Dr. Jay Richards, Economics, morality, philosophy, Podcast, religion, theology, transgenderism
Charles Spurgeon once said that discernment is knowing the difference between right and “almost right”. But when there’s so much noise and confusion happening in the news and on social media these days, how can we tell the difference? As we approach the end of 2024, our friend Dr. Jay Richards returns to unpack some of the essentials of economics, the Christian worldview, and social trends so that you can be informed when it comes to the issues that matter the most. Join Frank and Jay as they discuss the importance of understanding the basics of economics and how it can help Christians think clearly about government policies, healthcare, and how it can equip believers to protect the most vulnerable populations in our society. Tune in as Frank and Jay…
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The Birthday That Changed the History of the World with Bill Federer

12 days of Christmas, Bill Federer, Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Christmas, Dr. Frank Turek, Holiday, morality, philosophy, Podcast, religion, theology
Why is December 25th celebrated as the birth of Jesus? Was it a date chosen to overshadow pagan festivals like Saturnalia or Sol Invictus, or does it have deeper Christian roots? While the Bible doesn’t provide a specific birthdate for Christ, it may offer more clues than you think! Just in time for the holiday season, historian and author Bill Federer returns to unpack the fascinating origins of the Christmas story and its rich Christian heritage. One of our most popular topics, this episode dives deeper into the history, theology, and traditions surrounding the incarnation of Christ—a moment that forever changed the course of human history. Join Frank and Bill as they explore questions like: How do the Dead Sea Scrolls provide evidence for Jesus’ actual birthday? Why do some…
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Is THIS the REAL Mt. Sinai?

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Dr. Frank Turek, Exodous, morality, Mount Sinai, philosophy, Podcast, religion, Saudi Arabia, theology, Trip
What would you expect to find at the REAL Mount Sinai? Could its true location be in Saudi Arabia rather than the traditional site in the Sinai Peninsula? Recent discoveries have reignited interest in Jabal al-Lawz as a possible candidate for the biblical Mount Sinai, and this week, you’ll have the chance to examine the evidence for yourself! In this podcast episode, Frank unpacks some of the details of his recent trip to Saudi Arabia, including what he and the group saw as they climbed the mountain at Jabal al-Lawz. He’ll also discuss what fascinating markers distinguish this mountain as a great contender for Mount Sinai and why it’s more important than ever for trained archaeologists to continue exploring the site. During the episode, Frank will answer questions like: Why…
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3 More BIG Questions: Fine-tuning? Feeling God? Inerrancy?

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Christmas, Dr. Frank Turek, Feelings, fine-tuning, God, gospels, Heaven, Hell, morality, philosophy, Podcast, Q&A, religion, Skeptic, theology
Does the scientific evidence fall short of proving the fine-tuning of the universe? Should Christians regularly “feel God’s presence”? And since there are minor differences in the Gospels, does that disprove biblical inerrancy? In this midweek podcast episode, Frank tackles three more BIG questions from our listening audience along with questions like: What are the 3 levels of fine-tuning and does it only occur here on planet Earth? Can the fine-tuning argument alone actually prove Christianity is true? And can all truth be explained through science? Where exactly are Heaven and Hell? What’s the true meaning of Christmas? Is loving God an emotion, a feeling, or a decision? If God chooses not to reveal Himself to us is that proof that He doesn’t exist? What’s a great question to ask…
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The Privileged Planet – Designed for Discovery with Dr. Jay Richards

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Cosmological Argument, cosmos, Dr Guillermo Gonzalez, Dr. Frank Turek, Dr. Jay Richards, God, morality, philosophy, Podcast, religion, solar eclipses, The Privileged Planet, theology
The fine-tuning of the universe is one of the most compelling arguments for Intelligent Design—so compelling that even atheists like Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens have acknowledged its challenge to materialistic explanations. Why is the fine-tuning argument so extraordinary, and how have recent scientific discoveries made it even clearer that the universe points to a divine Creator? This week, Dr. Jay Richards joins Frank to discuss the 20th anniversary edition of ‘The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery‘, the groundbreaking book he co-authored with Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez. Together, they explore the updated book and the remarkable new scientific discoveries that continue to affirm its hypothesis. During their conversation, they’ll address: How did Guillermo’s career suffer when the book was first released in…
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