Atheist Richard Dawkins: Intelligent Design Is a “Scientific Hypothesis,” Though Mistaken

Atheism, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Christianity, Colin Wright, Comfort, cosmic designer, design hypothesis, Evolution, Faith & Science, gender, intelligence, Intelligent Design, Manhattan Institute, mathematics, morality, Muslims, New Atheists, nobility, physics, Return of the God Hypothesis, Richard Dawkins, scientific hypothesis, Stephen Meyer, stories, theism, Twitter, universe
This is a remarkable response, granting the premise of arguments for intelligent design like those of Stephen Meyer. Source
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What Deep Social Change Underlies the War on Math?

algebra, algorithm, ancient Greeks, Arabs, average, azimuth, California, cipher, Colin Wright, cube, Education, illiteracy, Jerry Coyne, Kari Kokka, literacy, math teachers, mathematics, Max Eden, Neuroscience & Mind, pi, pizza, private truth, Pythagorean Theorem, Richard Dawkins, Rochelle Gutierrez, Social justice, University of Nevada, Urban Education, whiteness, zenith, zero
The universal language of science is sinking under the weight of claims about trauma and privilege. Source
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