Darwin Devotion Detector: Take the Test Now

adaptation, atheists, Charles Darwin, chimpanzee, common descent, Darwin Day, Darwin Devotion Detector, eugenics, Evolution, free will, genes, Germany, humanzee, Intelligent Design, J.B.S. Haldane, Jane Austen, Judge John E. Jones, Kitzmiller v. Dover, Kolkata, Love, Meaning, meme theory, natural selection, population growth, purpose, rape, Richard Dawkins, secular saint, United States, value
A tongue-in-cheek questionnaire that nonetheless provides real insight into the extent to which Darwinian ideas have captured our thinking. Source
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Will Evolutionists Ever Take Falsification Seriously? A Response to P. Z. Myers

BIO-Complexity, biologists, Casey Luskin, Charles Darwin, common ancestry, common descent, Complexity, developmental pathway, embryo, embryonic development, Evolution, Evolution News, evolutionary processes, evolutionists, extraembryonic tissues, fish, gastrulation, homology, Life Sciences, Louise Roth, mammals, mutations, natural selection, P.Z. Myers, phylotypic stages, reptiles, Rudolf Raff, vertebrates
Can there be a better example of trying to argue that whatever the evidence, evolution is the answer? Source
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Fossil Friday: Fossil Sea Cows and the Abrupt Origin of Sirenia and Desmostylia

Afrotheria, Calvert Marine Museum, common descent, Darwinism, Desmostylia, dugongids, dugongs, elephants, Embrithopoda, Eocene, Evolution, Fossil Friday, fossil record, Ishatherium subathuensis, Jamaica, Lincoln Creek Formation, mammals, manatees, Paleocene, PaleoDB, paleontology, Pezosiren, Proboscidea, protosirenids, science, sea cows, Sirenia, sirenians, Steller’s sea cow, synapomorphies, Tethytheria, Washington State, whales
So, is every thing OK with Darwinism after all? No so fast. Actually, there are some problems that do not square well with a Darwinian scenario. Source
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Debunking “Professor Dave’s” Hit Piece Against Stephen Meyer

Australopithecines, Basilosauridae, birds, Cambrian Explosion, Casey Luskin, Charles Marshall, common descent, cynodonts, Darwin's Doubt, dinosaurs, Discovery Institute, Donald Prothero, Evolution, fossil record, hominids, hominins, humans, Intelligent Design, John Hawks, Jurassic Big Bang, Kazanian revolution, land mammals, mammaliaforms, Michael Behe, Michael Denton, New York Times, Nick Matzke, Pakicetidae, pelycosaurs, Raoellidae, Richard Sternberg, Romer’s Gap, science denial, science teachers, sea mammals, Stephen Meyer, therapsid event, Therapsids, transitional fossils, walking whales, YouTubers
This YouTube video runs to about an hour and a quarter, so I will be answering him once again in a series, minute by minute. Source
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There Is No Settled “Theory of Evolution”

biology, common descent, convergence, debates, directed mutations, Erik Svensson, Evolution, evolutionists, gradualism, just-so stories, lineage-specific biology, Lund University, multiverse, mutations, natural selection, naturalism, random causes, rapid divergence, saltationism, science, textbooks, The Conversation
What is evolution? In other words, what is core to the theory — and not forfeitable? It’s naturalism. Period. Source
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Rabbi Adam Jacobs Talks with Michael Denton about Intelligent Design

"poor design", Aish HaTorah, ankle, atheists, Big Bang, bioengineering, biological information, biology, Cambrian Explosion, Chemistry, common descent, cosmos, Culture, earth, Edward Feser, Evolution, Faith & Science, fine-tuning, Intelligent Design, Judaism, kabbalah, Michael Denton, mysticism, Nathan Lents, Rabbi Adam Jacobs, Stuart Burgess, The Miracle of Man, wrist
Rabbi Jacobs, with the worldwide Jewish outreach group Aish HaTorah, makes a very thoughtful conversation partner for Dr. Denton. Source
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Michael Behe Debates Evolution and Catholicism

biology, Catholicism, common descent, Creation, Darwin's Black Box, Darwinian mechanisms, devolution, elephants, Evolution, faith, Faith & Science, grizzly bears, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, Lehigh University, Matthew Ramage, Michael Behe, Neo-Darwinism, Pat Flynn, Philosophy for the People, polar bears, Pope Benedict XVI, secondary causation, skepticism, theology
Dr. Behe says that his skepticism toward neo-Darwinism stemmed purely from his scientific research. Source
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