3 Reasons to Believe in God
2. Does God Exist?, Apologetics, Arguments for God, Christianity, design argument, First Cause Argument, God’s existence, Gospel, IsChristianityTrue.Wordpress.com, Kalam, Moral Argument, Steve Lee
In presenting apologetics there are certain points I focus on in order to systematically examine the evidence for the truth of Christianity. While there are many other areas of interest and concern for the apologist, these areas are essential in determining the veracity of the Christian religion. These main features of Christianity include: The existence of God The reliability of the Bible The divine claims of Jesus the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. I organize these four points in the form of a question, which can possibly be answered yes or no, in order to be objective in the analysis. I’d like to focus on point #1 by asking the question: “Does God Exist?” Does God Exist? Obviously, if God doesn’t exist then Christianity cannot be true. It is…