On Giving Tuesday, Feelings Are Not Enough

atheists, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Brian Miller, Casey Luskin, Center for Science and Culture, Christianity, Conversion, depression, Discovery Institute Press, emotion, Evolution News, Faith & Science, faith and science, Father Martin Hilbert, Feelings, Günter Bechly, Intelligent Design, John West, Jonathan McLatchie, Muslims, new york, Richard Dawkins, self-hatred, Somalia, Stephen Meyer, suicide, William Dembski
Here was a believer, a very thoughtful one, who knew nothing about whether the God hypothesis can be defended on objective grounds. Source
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Information Spreads in the Atmospheric Highway

aeromicrobiome, antibacterial resistance, bacteria, biology, cloud aerosols, clouds, Daisuke Tanaka, desiccation, Enceladus, Evolution News, France, Fumito Maruyama, fungi, Hunga-Tonga volcano, information, information storage, Intelligent Design, Michael Behe, Physics, Earth & Space, Pierre Amato, PLOS ONE, SEA, spores, Titan, Xavier Rodó
Genetic information gets around. In the troposphere — much higher above land than expected — bacteria and fungi hitch a ride to faraway places. Source
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William Dembski: What’s the Best Evidence for Intelligent Design?

Aaron Zimmer, biology, cosmic fine-tuning, designing agent, Elie Feder, Evolution, Evolution News, fine-tuning, genetic machinery, Intelligent Design, magical thinking, Mike Licona, Podcast, The Design Inference, William Dembski, Winston Ewert
What exactly is the very best evidence for a designing agent behind nature? There are a number of contenders and, interestingly, not all ID proponents agree. Source
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Discerning the Shape of a “New Biology”

Aristotle, Bertrand Russell, biology, Carl Woese, causation, cell, Chance and Necessity, David Hume, dispositionalism, Evolution News, final cause, Intelligent Design, intentionality, Isaac Newton, Jacques Monod, Life Sciences, Michael Behe, organelle, powers ontology, purpose, René Descartes, science of purpose, telos, The Design Inference, Walter Elsasser, William Dembski
Purpose and intentionality permeate and in fact define the living state, in contrast to the inanimate. Source
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On Developmental Gene Regulatory Networks, the Scientific Literature Supports Stephen Meyer

biology, Caltech, Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, Charles Marshall, Darwin's Doubt, Developmental Biology (journal), developmental gene regulatory networks, dialogue, Dlx gene, Eörs Szathmáry, epigenetic information, Eric Davidson, evo-devo, Evolution, Evolution News, genes, Hox genes, Intelligent Design, kernels, phenotype, Stephen Meyer, subcircuits, The Joe Rogan Experience, transmutation
Mutations in genes that affect body plan characteristics don’t lead to new body plans — they lead to dead embryos. Source
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Oxford Physiologist Denis Noble: Dissent from Neo-Darwinism Has Passed a “Tipping Point”

Andréa Morris, Denis Noble, Discovery Institute, Douglas Axe, Evolution, Evolution News, Evolution “On Purpose”, Forbes, free speech, Intelligent Design, Jerry Coyne, Joana Xavier, MIT Press, neo-Darwinists, New Trends in Evolutionary Biology, not a foundation., Perry Marshall, persecution, physiologists, Richard Dawkins, Royal Society, Signature in the Cell, Stephen Meyer, teleonomy
We were wondering when the (often very dramatic) claims made recently in arcane academic texts would begin making more of a splash in the popular media. Source
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Only Thick Darwinism Served Here

André Ariew, Burger King, C.S. Lewis, capitalists, Charles Darwin, Christianity, Darwinism, David Berlinski, eugenics, Evolution, Evolution News, evolutionary biology, Francis Galton, Freudianism, Hugh Desmond, Intelligent Design, J.P. Moreland, Liliana M. Dávalos, Marxism, Marxists, Nancy Pearcey, Nazism, Neil Thomas, Philippe Huneman, Quarterly Review of Biology, Thomas Reydon, Yoda complex
Want your Darwinism thick or thin? Sorry; if these four scientists argue correctly, you only get the thick slice with some rather unsavory seasonings mixed in. Source
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