How Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Hinders Scientific Progress

Bible, BioLogos Foundation, Charles Darwin, debate, disagreement, Evangelical Christians, Evolution, Faith & Science, faith and science, Francis Collins, free speech, ID The Future, ideology, John West, Podcast, scientific enterprise, scientific materialism, Stockholm Syndrome Christianity, The Language of God, theistic evolution, theology, United States
In a nutshell, theistic evolution is the attempt to reconcile belief in God with the standard evolutionary account of life’s origins. Source
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The Slippery Slope of Theistic Darwinism: The Sad Cases of Howard Van Till and Karl Giberson

Bible, BioLogos Foundation, Calvin College, childhood, Christianity, Discovery Institute Press, Eastern Nazarene University, Evangelical Christians, Evolution, Faith & Science, faith and science, Francis Collins, Howard Van Till, Intelligent Design, physical universe, Saving Darwin, Saving the Original Sinner, secular elites, slippery slope, Stockholm Syndrome Christianity, Stockholm Syndrome Christians, theism, theistic Darwinism, Unitarian Universalist Association
After retiring from Calvin, Howard Van Till evolved well beyond Christianity. Indeed, he eventually evolved beyond theism. Source
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One Week from Today! 2025 Dallas Conference on Science & Faith

All Creatures Great & Small, body plans, Casey Luskin, Dallas Conference on Science & Faith, Daniel Reeves, Discovery Institute, Emily Reeves, eric hedin, Events, Faith & Science, George Montañez, habitat, honeybees, Intelligent Design, John West, Metamorphosis, Michael Egnor, music, Paul Nelson, Ray Bohlin, Richard Sternberg, science and faith, Stephen Dilley, Stephen Meyer
From the smallest honeybee to the greatest whale, planet Earth is swarming with creatures of all shapes and sizes — each designed for their habitat. Source
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Georges Lemaȋtre’s Hidden God

Albert Einstein, Big Bang, Catholic priests, Christianity for Doubters, Creation, Discovery Institute Press, Evolution, Evolution News, Faith & Science, Georges Lemaȋtre, improvements, intelligent beings, Intelligent Design, Jean-Pierre Luminet, Melissa Wehmann Sewell, mistakes, natural causes, Nature (journal), physics, Physics, Earth & Space, planning, Supreme Being, Technology, testing, The Big Bang Revolutionaries, theology, universe
Was Lemaȋtre, who certainly believed in God, suggesting that God deliberately hides himself from us, or just acknowledging the paradox? Source
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Here’s the Other Common Objection to Intelligent Design — Answered

adaptations, Armin Moczek, automobile lineages, automobiles, bats, BIO-Complexity, biology, cars, convergence, creator, dependency graph, dolphins, echolocation, Evolution, Evolution News, Faith & Science, Field Museum of Natural History, genes, George Gaylord Simpson, history of life, humans, improvements, Indiana University, Intelligent Design, life, magic wand, New York Times, PDE2D, physics, planning, software, Technology, testing, The Guardian, The Mathematical Intelligencer, theology, unintelligent process, Why Evolution Is Different, Winston Ewert
If you asked me, “Do you believe in evolution?” I would reply “I believe in the evolution of life, and the evolution of automobiles." Source
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The Multiverse Has a Measure Problem

Aaron Zimmer, atoms, Bible, Boltzmann brain, Donald Trump, Dragons, Elie Feder, Faith & Science, fine-tuning, life, measure problem, molecules, naïve multiverse, observers, physical constants, physical laws, physics, Physics to God, Physics, Earth & Space, planets, quantum fluctuations, rivers, Roger Penrose, stars, Taylor Swift, universe
In terms of science, the central problem with the naïve multiverse is that it could explain any observation, so it really explains nothing. Source
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Recovering the Right Brain in a Scientistic Culture

Artificial Intelligence, Atheism, beauty, brain, Culture, Culture & Ethics, faith, Faith & Science, human experience, Ian McGilchrist, Intelligent Design, left brain, Living in Wonder, Matthew Crawford, Meaning, New Atheism, Paul Kingsnorth, Peter Savodnik, right brain, Rod Dreher, scientism, secular culture, Technology, The Free Press, The World Beyond Your Head
Science and technology were hailed as the saviors of mankind, but instead, they’ve helped to push out crucial aspects of the human experience.  Source
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Sorry, Dr. Coyne: There Is No Religion-Science Conflict

al-Khwarizmi, algebra, algorithm, Charles Darwin, Evangelical Christianity, Faith & Science, Grand Unified Theory, Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, Issac Newton, James Ferguson, Jan Spitzer, Jerry Coyne, Jesus, Journal of Molecular Evolution, Matías Cabello, Michael Behe, Nicolaus Copernicus, religion, revolutionibus, Theory of Everything, Why Evolution Is True
I dare say that Michael Behe has had a far greater influence on the field of evolutionary biology than Jerry Coyne has. Source
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Merry Christmas! No. 8 Story of 2024: Reagan’s Personal Argument for Intelligent Design

An American Life, arms control, atheists, birds’ eggs, birthday, butterflies, Capitalism, Christianity, Douglas Brinkley, evil empire, Faith & Science, faith and science, Galesburg, General Secretary, Greeks, Illinois, Intelligent Design, Jews, Jimmy Carter, Kremlin, Lessons My Father Taught Me, Mars, Michael Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Moscow, Moslems, National Prayer Breakfast, notetaker, Otangelo Grasso, Paul Kengor, political freedom, Protestants, Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, Red Square, Romans, Ron Reagan, Ronald Reagan, Russian Orthodox Church, Soviet Union, St. Catherine’s Hall, The Notes, The Reagan Diaries, U.S. Constitution, Ukrainian Catholics, Whittaker Chambers, Witness
An untold story from the final year of Reagan’s Presidency about science, faith, and intelligent design. Source
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