The Multiverse Has a Measure Problem

Aaron Zimmer, atoms, Bible, Boltzmann brain, Donald Trump, Dragons, Elie Feder, Faith & Science, fine-tuning, life, measure problem, molecules, naïve multiverse, observers, physical constants, physical laws, physics, Physics to God, Physics, Earth & Space, planets, quantum fluctuations, rivers, Roger Penrose, stars, Taylor Swift, universe
In terms of science, the central problem with the naïve multiverse is that it could explain any observation, so it really explains nothing. Source
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3 More BIG Questions: Fine-tuning? Feeling God? Inerrancy?

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Christmas, Dr. Frank Turek, Feelings, fine-tuning, God, gospels, Heaven, Hell, morality, philosophy, Podcast, Q&A, religion, Skeptic, theology
Does the scientific evidence fall short of proving the fine-tuning of the universe? Should Christians regularly “feel God’s presence”? And since there are minor differences in the Gospels, does that disprove biblical inerrancy? In this midweek podcast episode, Frank tackles three more BIG questions from our listening audience along with questions like: What are the 3 levels of fine-tuning and does it only occur here on planet Earth? Can the fine-tuning argument alone actually prove Christianity is true? And can all truth be explained through science? Where exactly are Heaven and Hell? What’s the true meaning of Christmas? Is loving God an emotion, a feeling, or a decision? If God chooses not to reveal Himself to us is that proof that He doesn’t exist? What’s a great question to ask…
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Stephen Meyer and Ben Shapiro on the Origin of Life

Ben Shapiro, Darwin's Doubt, Evolution, fine-tuning, ID The Future, information, Intelligent Design, James Tour, methodological naturalism, multiverse, origin of life, Peter Robinson, Podcast, Rice University, RNA world, Stephen Meyer, The Ben Shapiro Sunday Special, The Daily Wire, Uncommon Knowledge
Dr. Meyer explains how the OOL field reached an impasse by the 1980s as chemists learned just how thorny the origin of life problem really was. Source
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Robin Collins’s “Fine-Tuning for Discoverability” Argument

anthropic fine-tuning, cosmology, Creation, creator, discernable-discoverability-optimality range, entropy, fine structure constant, fine-tuning, fine-tuning for discoverability, initial conditions, Intelligent Design, John Templeton Foundation, Messiah College, particle physics, physics, Physics, Earth & Space, Robin Collins, signal, The Privileged Planet, Two Dozen (or So) Arguments for God, Yale University
In November 2000 we each presented at the “Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe” symposium at Yale University. Source
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William Dembski: What’s the Best Evidence for Intelligent Design?

Aaron Zimmer, biology, cosmic fine-tuning, designing agent, Elie Feder, Evolution, Evolution News, fine-tuning, genetic machinery, Intelligent Design, magical thinking, Mike Licona, Podcast, The Design Inference, William Dembski, Winston Ewert
What exactly is the very best evidence for a designing agent behind nature? There are a number of contenders and, interestingly, not all ID proponents agree. Source
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Considering the Fine-Tuning Argument from Probabilities

Bayesian analysis, chance, design hypothesis, divine psychology, evil, fine-tuning, genetic diseases, intelligent cause, Intelligent Design, intelligent life, likelihood, natural disasters, physical constants, Physics, Earth & Space, prime principle of confirmation, probabilities, Robbin Collins, Suffering, universe
Many authors formulate the fine-tuning argument using probabilities and Bayesian analysis (e.g., Swinburne, Collins, Roberts, Barnes). Source
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