Here’s the Other Common Objection to Intelligent Design — Answered

adaptations, Armin Moczek, automobile lineages, automobiles, bats, BIO-Complexity, biology, cars, convergence, creator, dependency graph, dolphins, echolocation, Evolution, Evolution News, Faith & Science, Field Museum of Natural History, genes, George Gaylord Simpson, history of life, humans, improvements, Indiana University, Intelligent Design, life, magic wand, New York Times, PDE2D, physics, planning, software, Technology, testing, The Guardian, The Mathematical Intelligencer, theology, unintelligent process, Why Evolution Is Different, Winston Ewert
If you asked me, “Do you believe in evolution?” I would reply “I believe in the evolution of life, and the evolution of automobiles." Source
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Recurring Design Logic in Gene Regulation

Aliivibro fischeri, architect, autoinducer, autophosphorylation, bacteria, biology, CheB, chemical gradient, chemotaxis, CheW, CheY, common descent, design logic, diffusion rate, EnvZ, Evolution, genes, histidine, Intelligent Design, kinase, methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, methyltransferase, OmpR, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, quorum sensing, recurring design logic, regulatory systems, two-component systems
A feature of biology that has struck me over the years is the phenomenon of recurring design logic, across systems that do not appear to be related by descent. Source
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Günter Bechly on Life’s Sudden Information Explosions

ancestral species, Avalon explosion, bacteria, biological explosions, body plans, Cambrian Explosion, common ancestry, descendant species, Evolution, genes, Günter Bechly, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, mammals, neo-Darwinian process, paleontologists, paleontology, placental mammals, Podcast, protein folds, Sarah Chaffee, Stephen Meyer, Triassic explosion
“There’s no reasonable way,” Bechly concludes, “to get from bacteria to mammals via evolutionary processes.” Source
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The End of the Machine Metaphor? 

"survival of the fittest", animals, bears, biology, Books, Casey Luskin, celibacy, chihuahua, DNA, Evolution, evolutionary psychology, Fiction, Foresight (book), foxes, genes, How Life Works, Intelligent Design, machines, Marcos Eberlin, Meaning, Oskar Schindler, otters, Philip Ball, purpose, relationships, religion, reproduction, Science and Faith in Dialogue, self-sacrifice, survival, work, writing
Rather than purpose deriving from a purposeless process like natural selection, natural selection can only occur when life itself is the result of purpose. Source
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ORFanID: An Online Search Engine for Identifying Orfan Genes

bacteria, bioinformatics, C. elegans, D. melanogaster, Discovery Institute, DNA, E. coli, Evolution, evolutionary paradigm, fungi, gene classification, genes, genomes, genomics, genomics analysis, H. sapiens, Intelligent Design, nucleotide sequences, O. sativa, ORfan genes, plants, PLOS ONE, S. cerevisiae, search engine, taxonomic groups, Z. mays
The existence of such genes is surprising given the hypothesis of universal common descent. Source
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“Notions” About Metamorphosis Fall Short of Scientific Explanations

ametabolous, Ann Gauger, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, butterfly, chrysalis, Darwinism, dragonflies, Evolution, foresight, Free University, genes, grasshoppers, hemimetaboly, heuristics, Illustra Media, insects, insectws, Intelligent Design, lice, Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis: The Beauty and Design of Butterflies, Model T, notion, organs, Paul Nelson, phenotypes, Princeton University, proboscis, promissory note, pupa
Saying that a mathematical model “supports the notion” of how metamorphosis evolved should not grace the pages of an esteemed scientific journal. Source
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Popular YouTube Science Educator Professes “Emotional” Response to “Amazing” Flagellum

actuators, axlw, bacterial cell, bacterial flagellum, biochemical motor, chemotaxis, Destin Sandlin, Discovering Intelligent Design, effectors, Evolution, feedback, gears, genes, hydrogen ions, Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, MotAB, operating system, origin of life, philosophy, pinions, Prashant Singh, propeller, protons, Scott Minnich, sensors, shaft, SmarterEveryDay, Technology, Vanderbilt University, YouTubers
In the video, engineer Destin Sandlin explains how he became captivated after watching an online animation of the bacterial flagellum. Source
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On Developmental Gene Regulatory Networks, the Scientific Literature Supports Stephen Meyer

biology, Caltech, Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, Charles Marshall, Darwin's Doubt, Developmental Biology (journal), developmental gene regulatory networks, dialogue, Dlx gene, Eörs Szathmáry, epigenetic information, Eric Davidson, evo-devo, Evolution, Evolution News, genes, Hox genes, Intelligent Design, kernels, phenotype, Stephen Meyer, subcircuits, The Joe Rogan Experience, transmutation
Mutations in genes that affect body plan characteristics don’t lead to new body plans — they lead to dead embryos. Source
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Darwin Devotion Detector: Take the Test Now

adaptation, atheists, Charles Darwin, chimpanzee, common descent, Darwin Day, Darwin Devotion Detector, eugenics, Evolution, free will, genes, Germany, humanzee, Intelligent Design, J.B.S. Haldane, Jane Austen, Judge John E. Jones, Kitzmiller v. Dover, Kolkata, Love, Meaning, meme theory, natural selection, population growth, purpose, rape, Richard Dawkins, secular saint, United States, value
A tongue-in-cheek questionnaire that nonetheless provides real insight into the extent to which Darwinian ideas have captured our thinking. Source
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