Fossil Friday: A Dinosaur Feather and an Overhyped New Study on the Origin of Feathers

amber, amniotes, biological novelty, biology, birds, chicken embryos, Eastern Kentucky University, Encyclopedia Britannica, Evolution, feathers, Fossil Friday, fossil record, Francis Collins, Germany, homology, integumental structures, Intelligent Design, Karl Giberson, keratin, mammal hairs, ontogenetic pathway, ontogeny, paleontology, radii, rami, reptile scales, scales, Stuttgart Natural History Museum, The Language of Science and Faith, theropod, theropod dinosaurs
Feathers, which are the most complex integumental structures known in the animal kingdom, without doubt required coordinated changes in numerous genes. Source
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Will Evolutionists Ever Take Falsification Seriously? A Response to P. Z. Myers

BIO-Complexity, biologists, Casey Luskin, Charles Darwin, common ancestry, common descent, Complexity, developmental pathway, embryo, embryonic development, Evolution, Evolution News, evolutionary processes, evolutionists, extraembryonic tissues, fish, gastrulation, homology, Life Sciences, Louise Roth, mammals, mutations, natural selection, P.Z. Myers, phylotypic stages, reptiles, Rudolf Raff, vertebrates
Can there be a better example of trying to argue that whatever the evidence, evolution is the answer? Source
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Peer-Reviewed Paper Shows Vertebrate Embryonic Variation Contradicts Common Ancestry

amniotes, amphibians, anamniotes, BIO-Complexity, biology, birds, blastula, bony fish, Charles Darwin, chondrichthyans, cleavage, common ancestry, David Swift, development, developmental biology, ectoderm, endoderm, Ernst Haeckel, Evolution, Evolution Under the Microscope, gastrulation, germ layers, homologous organs, homology, Intelligent Design, lancelets, mammals, mesoderm, neurulation, peer-reviewed literature, phylotypic stage, primates, reptiles, Rudolf Raff, science, teleosts, tissues, vertebrate development, vertebrate embryos, waiting-time problem
Evolutionary biologists often argue that vertebrate embryos develop in highly similar manners, reflecting their common ancestry. Source
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An Engineering Marvel: Uncovering the Mechanism of Respiratory Complex I

amphipathic helix, antiporter, ATP synthase, biochemists, biology, carboxylates, crystal structure, design triangulation, electricity, electron transfer, electron transport chain, Engineering, Evolution, evolutionary theory, generators, homology, Hoover Dam, hydrophobic, Institute of Science and Technology, Intelligent Design, laptop, Leonid Sazanov, lysine residues, membrane domain, membrane lipids, molecular machines, Nanoscale, Paul Nelson, power adapter, proteins, proton pumps, quinone, Research, Respiratory Complex I, structural biologists, water, water wires
Complex I is involved in the electron transport chain, which is part of the biochemical process by which we create ATP, the energy molecule of life. Source
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“Lying on the Internet”? Debunking Dave Farina on Stephen Meyer

acritarchs, Avalon Assemblage, bilaterians, body plans, Cambrian Explosion, Carl Zimmer, Caveasphaera, China, Cladonia chlorophaea, Cloudina, cnidarians, Darwin's Doubt, Dave Farina, demosponges, Dickinsonia, Doushantuo fossils, embryos, Eumetazoa, Evolution, fossils, Gregory Retallack, Haootia quadriformis, Helicoforamina, homology, Ikaria, Intelligent Design, Internet, Joe Botting, Kimberella, Lantianella, Megasphaera, Metazoa, microfossils, Nama Assemblage, Namacalathus, New York Times, paleontology, Precambrian animals, Professor Dave, Spiralicellula, sponges, Stephen Jay Gould, Stephen Meyer, straw man, Tribrachidium, Vernanimalcula, White Sea assemblage, Xiuningella, Yilingia, YouTubers
A lot of nonsense gets published in peer-reviewed journals and it needs expertise to separate the wheat from the chaff. Farina lacks any expertise to do this. Source
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Untangling “Professor Dave’s” Confusion about the Cambrian Explosion

animals, birds, body plan, Cambrian Explosion, Cambrian News, Casey Luskin, cladists, Darwin's Doubt, Dave Farina, Douglas Erwin, Ediacaran fauna, Ediacaran Period, Evolution, Fortunian, fossil record, great Ordovician biodiversification event, homology, insects, Nick Matzke, paleontology, phylum, plesiomorphic, Professor Dave, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Meyer, symplesiomorphy, synapomorphy, The Blind Watchmaker, wings, YouTubers
We have seen the absurdly low quality of this individual’s video. But there is much more. I have added timecodes in square brackets for easier reference. Source
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Khan Academy Misleads with Human-Chimp Genetic Similarity Argument for Common Ancestry

biology, cats, chimps, common design, DNA, DNA polymerases, DNAPs, embryos, Emily Reeves, Evolution, evolutionary transitions, fossil record, genes, genomes, homology, horses, humans, Icons of Evolution, Jonathan Wells, Khan Academy, Life Sciences, orphan genes, Paul Nelson, phylogenetic trees, proteins, Richard Dawkins, students, teachers, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Tree of Life, Zombie Science
The video compares humans and chimps, saying the latter’s behaviors and facial expressions are “eerily human.” I could say the same thing about my cat. Source
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Biologist Jonathan Wells Gives “Top Scientific Problems with Evolution”

biology, Casey Luskin, Charles Darwin, convergence, Evolution, evolutionary theory, fossils, geologists, Harvest House, homology, ID The Future, innovations, Intelligent Design, Jonathan Wells, molecular phylogeny, natural selection, Podcast, random mutations, The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith
Darwin anticipated “innumerable transitions” in the fossil record, but such a rainbow of transitional forms has never been found. Source
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“Fin-To-Limb” Paper Shows Destructive Nature of “Evo-Devo” Mutations

BioLogos, biology, Brian Miller, Cell (journal), Darrel Falk, dorsal fin, dysmorphic, evo-devo, Evolution, Evolution News, heterozygotic form, homology, homozygotic form, Intelligent Design, mutations, pectoral fins, radius, Return of the God Hypothesis, Stephen Meyer, tetrapod limbs, ulna
Because of the “dysmorphic” phenotype from a homozygous genotype, these mutant genes would be highly unlikely to become fixed in a population. Source
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Revealing Darrel Falk’s Overstatements about Limb Bones in Fish Fins

BioLogos, bones, Brian Miller, Cell (journal), common design, Darwin's Doubt, Evolution, fish fins, front-loaded design, Gerd Müller, homologous features, homology, Intelligent Design, Koji Tamura, mutations, Neil Shubin, Neo-Darwinism, novelty, phenotype, Return of the God Hypothesis, Stuart A. Newman, teleost, tetrapod, tetrapod limbs, Tohru Yano, zebrafish
The interpretation of the results as showing “latent” genetic capabilities has teleological overtones that are compatible with intelligent design. Source
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