How Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Hinders Scientific Progress

Bible, BioLogos Foundation, Charles Darwin, debate, disagreement, Evangelical Christians, Evolution, Faith & Science, faith and science, Francis Collins, free speech, ID The Future, ideology, John West, Podcast, scientific enterprise, scientific materialism, Stockholm Syndrome Christianity, The Language of God, theistic evolution, theology, United States
In a nutshell, theistic evolution is the attempt to reconcile belief in God with the standard evolutionary account of life’s origins. Source
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Engineered Elegance: Checkpoint Pathways of the Cell Cycle

cell division, cellular life, Charles Darwin, checkpoints, DNA Damage Checkpoint, effectors, Engineering, Evolution, foresight, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, Jonathan McLatchie, pathways, Podcast, Restriction Checkpoint, self-replication, sensors, spindle assembly checkpoint, transducers
One of the most incredible features of cellular life is the capability of self-replication. Source
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Günter Bechly on Life’s Sudden Information Explosions

ancestral species, Avalon explosion, bacteria, biological explosions, body plans, Cambrian Explosion, common ancestry, descendant species, Evolution, genes, Günter Bechly, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, mammals, neo-Darwinian process, paleontologists, paleontology, placental mammals, Podcast, protein folds, Sarah Chaffee, Stephen Meyer, Triassic explosion
“There’s no reasonable way,” Bechly concludes, “to get from bacteria to mammals via evolutionary processes.” Source
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