Navigating the American Political Landscape

Apologetics, Christianity, Culture and Politics, Democrat, election, Gospel, Heaven Not Harvard, How should Christians vote, Jennifer Defrates, Law,, Politics, Republican
Surviving political landscapes as a Christian has always been challenging (ancient Rome was harsh, y’all!). However, this U.S. presidential election cycle feels like the most difficult in recent history, and the American political landscape seems to grow more contentious every year. So, how do we navigate this minefield with truth, love, and joy? It’s not easy, but it can be simple. [If you know how to coopt this “click-to-tweet” function so it redirects to the CE article go ahead, otherwise, let’s Block Quote these] So, how do we navigate this minefield with truth, love, and joy? It’s not easy, but it can be simple. Let’s talk about how. Click To Tweet Should we get Political at all? First, let’s address the elephant (and donkey) in the room. Should Christians even get…
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My Dinner with Steven and Louise Weinberg

Atheism, atheists, attorney, Austin, Baylor University, Christianity, Faith & Science, faith and science, Intelligent Design, Jesus, Law, law professor, Louise Weinberg, naturalism, Nobel Prize, Phillip E. Johnson, physicists, physics, Physics, Earth & Space, scripture, Steven Weinberg, The First Three Minutes, The Nature of Nature, theism, theists, University of Texas, Waco
Weinberg was holding court, going on about how much he knew about the origin of the universe and how atheism was the only intellectually viable option. Source
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Only God is Above the Law

Al Serrato, Apologetics, God, Law, Legislating Morality, Culture & Politics, theology
“No one is above the law.” So the popular saying goes, and no truer thing was ever said in a mere six words. This thought, and our Western system of justice which sprang from it, stands as a testament, and a tribute, to the philosophy that gives humanity its best chance for self-government and ordered liberty. The philosophy that found its expression in this view was itself largely shaped by a Christian worldview, one in which our individual rights, and our equality under law, were grounded in a transcendent being who made us for a purpose. Our Founders certainly understood this when they declared their right to independence from Great Britain and affirmed that “all men are created equal.” In their view, this equality finds its roots in the “Creator,”…
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How Euthanasia Activists Laid the Groundwork for Overturning Roe

abortion, activists, Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, assisted suicide, common law, Constitution, courts, Culture & Ethics, Dobbs v. Jackson, Due Process Clause, euthanasia, Fourteenth Amendment, history, hubris, Law, Medicine, Patients Rights Council, Roe v. Wade, Supreme Court, Washington v. Glucksberg
Back in the ’90s, the assisted-suicide movement tried to convince the Supreme Court to impose a Roe–style decision for their cause. Source
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Fact Check: Yes, Human Life Begins at Fertilization

abortion, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Medical Association, biology, cancer, Children, conception, Culture & Ethics, egg, embryo, ethics, human being, human life, Law, Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, newborn, parasite, public policy, scientists, settled science, sperm, womb, zygote
So what are we to make of a scientific profession in which scientific experts consistently distort the science of human life? Source
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Luskin, Shapiro: Has Intelligent Design Waned?

academic freedom, Adam Shapiro, biology, biology teachers, Casey Luskin, conferences, Evidence, Evolution, evolutionary theory, free speech, Geology, graduate students, high school, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, Justin Brierley, Law, New York Times, News Media, Nobel laureates, peer-reviewed literature, Research, Science and Religion (book), scientific reasoning, scientists, teaching, The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith, Unbelievable?
Shapiro suggests that ID often amounts to a presenter highlighting an amazing feature in biology and then giving glory to God. Source
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5 Casualties of the Court’s LGBTQ Sex Ruling

America, Apologetics, Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Court, Culture, Frank Turek, Homosexuality, Law, Legislating Morality, Legislating Morality, Culture & Politics, LGBTQ, LGBTQ Sex Rulling, Politics
“Sex” in civil rights law now legally means sexual orientation or whatever gender you think you are. That’s the result of a surprising Supreme Court decision (Bostock vs. Clayton County) from Justice Neil Gorsuch. Problem? Yes, here are five casualties of this ruling: We the People: If you think you have the ability to govern yourselves through your elected representatives, the United States Supreme Court again made a mockery of that Constitutional principle. You can work to elect the right people and pass all the laws you want, only to see a handful of unelected lawyers on the Supreme Court nullify or replace your laws with their own. That’s what six justices did this week.  They changed the 1964 civil rights law into a law that they desired, despite the…
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