Listen: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on COVID-19 as One of the Most Divisive Events in American History

Big Tech, Center for Disease Control, COVID-19, Culture & Ethics, factionalism, free speech, heterodoxy, Humanize, Jay Bhattacharya, lockdown, Medicine, National Bureau of Economics Research, pandemic, Podcast, Politics, public health, science, Stanford University, Wesley Smith, World Health Organization
Action was taken to suppress heterodox voices. Wesley Smith’s guest is one of those caught in this cultural oppression. Source
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The Human Cost of Coercive Science

babysitter, child development, COVID-19, crime rates, Culture & Ethics, daycare, Douglas Axe, economists, Education, free speech, Georgia, handcuffs, Jay Richards, Johns Hopkins University, Les Misérables, lockdown, Medicine, Melissa Henderson, mental health, mortality, online schooling, Religious Liberty, science, suicides, The Price of Panic, unemployment, William Briggs
Lockdowns were imposed on society in the name of science, although the actual scientific basis of many of the measures employed was unclear at best. Source
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The Paradigm Project — Intelligent Design in a New Light

biological origins, biology, Christianity, cosmology, depression, DNA, documentaries, Douglas Axe, erosion, inspiration, Intelligent Design, isolation, Jonathan Wells, Kutter Callaway, lockdown, non-scientists, paradigm, Personal God, physics, Return of the God Hypothesis, scientists, scripture, Stephen Meyer, suicide rate, The Paradigm Project, theism, Tom Small
Douglas Axe urges scientists to admit there are things they don’t understand about life's origins, much as there are things in Scripture we can’t grasp. Source
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In the Name of “Academic Freedom,” a Scientist Calls for Punishing Creationists

academic freedom, accrediting agency, atheists, Ball State University, BDS movement, Big Tech, Canceled Science, censorship, China, Christian colleges, computational biology, creation science, creationism, customers, East Coast, employers, equality, eric hedin, free speech, freedom, freedom from religion foundation, Giant Food, Intelligent Design, invidious labeling, Israel, Jerry Coyne, Joshua Swamidass, Justice, lockdown, othering, Punishment, Race, racial indoctrination, religion, reward, scientists, social credit, supermarkets, The Boundaries of Science, viewpoint, Wall Street Journal, Washington University
The practice has a sordid history. There’s always a rationale — for example, in labeling Israeli businesses, or those doing business with Israel, to be avoided. Source
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Look: On Thanksgiving, Be Grateful for the Intelligent Design of Your Eyes

animals, Cambrian Explosion, Cambrian News, camera eye, Center for Science & Culture, Charles Darwin, compound eyes, COVID-19, Darwinists, Discovery Institute, Evolution, evolutionists, eyes, fossil record, Intelligent Design, Jonathan Wells, lockdown, photon, Rachel Adams, Thanksgiving, trilobite, vertebrate eye, vision, Zombie Science
COVID restrictions may have put a damper on the traditional Thanksgiving celebration. But even lockdowns can't stop us from giving thanks. Source
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Darwinism Paved the Way to Our Perilous Cultural Moment

Adolf Hitler, atomization, Chicago, civilization, Cliff Mass, Communism, Darwinian evolution, Dawinism, democracy, Edward Feser, Evolution, freedom, Friedrich Engels, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Germany, Hannah Arendt, Karl Marx, Kristallnacht, lockdown, Ludwig Feuerbach, Michael Egnor, Mind Matters, Nazism, npr, paralysis, Plato, Portland, terror, tyranny
The year so far has delivered a stunning lesson in the fragility of freedom and of civilization. Source
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Human Zoos — How “Science” Fueled the Racial Fire

African-American, Africans, alt-right, Bellevue, Black Lives Matter, Bronx Zoo, Caucasian, Charles Darwin, clergy, Culture & Ethics, Discovery Institute, Evolution, George Floyd, Human Zoos, John West, lockdown, looting, Minneapolis, New York City, New York Times, original sin, Ota Benga, pandemic, police brutality, protests, pygmies, Racism, scientific racism, Seattle, South Bronx, St. Louis, textbooks, The Descent of Man, The Hub, Tukwila, United States, Wesley Smith
Scorching images from across the country fill our screens, a reminder that the racial past remains an unhealed burn in America’s present. The mood in our own area is shocked and anxious, as we watched violence and looting spread from Seattle to outlying cities like Bellevue and Tukwila. It is getting very close to home. Some have called racism America’s historical “original sin.” Where did many white people of the past get the wicked idea that their lives matter more than black lives? The question is complex but, without doubt, Darwinian theory helped to fuel our present racial fire. Comprehending the national burden of hatred is a task not only for scholars but for all Americans. So too with understanding the origins of the opportunistic criminality that has piggybacked on…
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Stephen Meyer: Teach the (Coronavirus) Controversy

Biola University, Center for Science & Culture, coronavirus, COVID-19, Daniel G. Murphy, Douglas Axe, Economics, Eran Bendavid, Harvard University Medical School, Hull York Medical School, Jay Bhattacharya, John Ioannidis, John Lee, Knut Wittowski, lockdown, Marcello Pera, Martin Kulldorf, medical opinion, Medicine, Red Team, Rockefeller University, Scott Atlas, St. Barnabas Hospital, Stanford University Medical Center, Stephen Meyer, Team B, The Federalist, White House
Our colleague and CSC director Stephen Meyer has a terrific article up now at The Federalist. As readers will know, when it comes to evolution education, the Center for Science & Culture advocates “teaching the controversy.” Note Meyer’s application of the “Teach the Controversy” principle to how medical opinion is being given to U.S. leaders who make policy decisions about a national response to COVID-19. As Dr. Meyer observes, “The administration’s virus taskforce has recommended only a gradual lifting of stay-at-home orders and has established criteria for full re-opening that could take months to satisfy in many states.” His proposal is that rather than listen only to a group of experts with one set view, it would be productive to listen to another group as well, a “Team B,” or “what…
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