How “Medical Aid in Dying” Became the Euphemism of Choice for Assisted Suicide

A Concise History of Euthanasia, assisted suicide, Brandeis University, Canada, Culture & Ethics, doctors, euthanasia, hemlock, honey, Ian Dowbiggin, MAiD, medical aid in dying, medication, Medicine, mercy killing, New York Times, nurse practitioners, patients, poisons, Rachel E. Gross, suicide, University of Colorado
When radical policies are proposed, the first step is to change the lexicon to make it seem less extreme, even mundane. Source
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Canadian Disabled Woman Opts for Euthanasia Because She Can’t Get Timely Assistance

abandonment, bioethics, Bowmanville, Canada, CBC, compassion, Culture & Ethics, disability, disabled people, doctors, euthanasia, health care, housing, Inclusive Solutions, MAiD, medical assistance in dying, Medicine, nurse practitioners, Ontario, Ontario Disability Support Program, PTSD, quadriplegia, Rose Finlay, social injustice, veterans
I am hearing about this kind of abandonment much more often since Canada loosened its euthanasia eligibility requirements. Source
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Pressuring a Hospice to Kill

and organ-transplant centers, Angeline Ireland, assisted suicide, Big Government, British Columbia, Canada, caring, conscientious objection, Delta Hospice Society, dementia, doctors, ethics, euthanasia, freedom of conscience, hospice, hospice palliative care, killing, MAiD, medical assistance in dying, Medicine, memory-support facilities, minister of health, nursing homes, organ harvesting, patients, pediatric euthanasia, pediatric hospitals, podiatry, psychiatric institutions, Quebec, religious beliefs, socialism, socialized medicine, United States
Should hospice professionals be forced to assist the suicides of their patients who want to die? Not too long ago, the answer to that question would have been an emphatic “Of course not!” Hospice is not about making people dead. Rather, it seeks to help terminally ill patients live well through intensive medical, spiritual, psychological, and social treatments to alleviate the pain and emotional suffering that dying people and their families may experience. Don’t tell that to the provincial government of British Columbia. After the Supreme Court of Canada conjured a right for anyone diagnosed with a serious medical condition that causes “irremediable suffering” to receive lethal-injection euthanasia, British Columbia passed a law requiring all medical facilities that receive at least 50 percent of their funding from the government to…
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In Canada, Euthanasia as “Boon” to Organ Donation

assisted suicide, Belgium, bioethics, bodies, Canada, disabled, donations, euthanasia, MAiD, medically assisted deaths, Medicine, mentally ill, Netherlands, Ontario, organ donation, Ottawa Citizen, patients, Ronnie Gavsie, Trillium Gift of Life Network
My very first anti-euthanasia column, published in Newsweek, warned that societal acceptance of assisted suicide/euthanasia would eventually include organ harvesting “as a plum to society.” I was called an alarmist and a fear-monger, but alas, I was right. In Belgium and the Netherlands, mentally ill and disabled people are killed in hospitals at their request, and then, their bodies are harvested — with the success of the procedures written up with all due respect in organ-transplant medical journals. Our Cousins to the North Our closest cultural cousins in Canada are enthusiastically following the same utilitarian path, not only allowing organ harvesting to be conjoined with euthanasia, but “medically assisted death” is being boosted increasingly as “a boon.” Note the celebratory lede in this Ottawa Citizen story: Ontarians who opt for…
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