The End of the Machine Metaphor? 

"survival of the fittest", animals, bears, biology, Books, Casey Luskin, celibacy, chihuahua, DNA, Evolution, evolutionary psychology, Fiction, Foresight (book), foxes, genes, How Life Works, Intelligent Design, machines, Marcos Eberlin, Meaning, Oskar Schindler, otters, Philip Ball, purpose, relationships, religion, reproduction, Science and Faith in Dialogue, self-sacrifice, survival, work, writing
Rather than purpose deriving from a purposeless process like natural selection, natural selection can only occur when life itself is the result of purpose. Source
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Recovering the Right Brain in a Scientistic Culture

Artificial Intelligence, Atheism, beauty, brain, Culture, Culture & Ethics, faith, Faith & Science, human experience, Ian McGilchrist, Intelligent Design, left brain, Living in Wonder, Matthew Crawford, Meaning, New Atheism, Paul Kingsnorth, Peter Savodnik, right brain, Rod Dreher, scientism, secular culture, Technology, The Free Press, The World Beyond Your Head
Science and technology were hailed as the saviors of mankind, but instead, they’ve helped to push out crucial aspects of the human experience.  Source
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Darwin Devotion Detector: Take the Test Now

adaptation, atheists, Charles Darwin, chimpanzee, common descent, Darwin Day, Darwin Devotion Detector, eugenics, Evolution, free will, genes, Germany, humanzee, Intelligent Design, J.B.S. Haldane, Jane Austen, Judge John E. Jones, Kitzmiller v. Dover, Kolkata, Love, Meaning, meme theory, natural selection, population growth, purpose, rape, Richard Dawkins, secular saint, United States, value
A tongue-in-cheek questionnaire that nonetheless provides real insight into the extent to which Darwinian ideas have captured our thinking. Source
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Reply to Free Will Deniers: Show Me

auto accident, behavior, Belief, brains, Chemistry, choice, Clarence Darrow, Culture & Ethics, Darwinian evolution, deterministic free will, faith, free will, free will deniers, ham sandwich, human beings, Jerry Coyne, LARPing, Ludwig Wittgenstein, materialists, Meaning, Neuroscience & Mind, parking lot, philosophers, physics, physiology, Politics, rain, Robert Sapolsky, Sam Harris, Stephen Cave, The Blue Book
If you carelessly dent a genuine free will denier’s car in a parking lot, he wouldn’t hold you responsible any more than he’d hold your car responsible. Source
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The Rocks Cry Out — Looking Back on My Year

Center for Science and Culture, Christmas, colleagues, Colorado Springs, conference center, corporate world, Creativity, Discovery Institute, Faith & Science, innovation, Intelligent Design, leadership, Meaning, purpose, rocks, scholarship, scientists, Seattle, students, Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design
We enjoyed our staff Christmas lunch yesterday at Ivar’s in downtown Seattle and a number of colleagues spoke movingly. Source
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A “Prepared Mind” for Alfred Russel Wallace

"survival of the fittest", A. P. Mead, Alfred Russel Wallace, At the Edge of History, Charles Darwin, Darwinian evolution, Evolution, Intelligent Design, intelligent evolution, liberals, Loren Eiseley, Louis Pasteur, M. R. A. Chance, Meaning, natural selection, Pithecanthropus, purpose, The World of Life, William Irwin Thompson
Although Wallace receded into the deep recesses of my memory, I had what Pasteur called “the prepared mind.” Source
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A Theoretical Biologist’s Mission Impossible: Banish Teleology While Retaining Meaning

academic politics, Chemistry, consciousness, Darwinian evolution, DNA, Evolution, genes, genetic code, information, Intelligent Design, Marcello Barbieri, materialism, Meaning, natural selection, paradigm, physics, private truth, public truth, teleology, University of Ferrara
The nonsense will cease eventually. But eventually is a long way off, if Barbieri’s dilemma is any guide. Source
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The Problem of Pain: Julian Huxley, Magnus Carlsen, and the Meaning of Life

Atheism, atheists, Charles Darwin, chess, chessboard, Evolution, Faith & Science, fossils, Intelligent Design, Julian Huxley, Lex Fridman, Magnus Carlsen, Meaning, meaning of life, meaninglessness, Norway, origin of life, Origin of Species, pain, paleontologists, religion, Thomas Henry Huxley, University of Chicago
In a conversation with Lex Fridman, Magnus Carlsen betrays no sense of empathy for how his view that life is an accident might negatively impact others. Source
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A Living and Symphonic Order — Appreciating Anthony Esolen

Anthony Esolen, beauty, Book of Wisdom, creator, Culture & Ethics, Dante Alighieri, Darwinism, Divine Comedy, Faith & Science, Genesis, God's Grandeur, infinities, infinity, Intelligent Design, Jackson Pollock, Johann Sebastian Bach, mathematics, Meaning, music, painting, Peter Kreeft, poetry, randomness, Roman Catholicism, science, scripture, splendor, symphony, universe
I knew I wanted to choose someone who wrote beautifully. He, however, was someone I didn't know, and I could not predict his views on intelligent design. Source
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