Only Thick Darwinism Served Here

André Ariew, Burger King, C.S. Lewis, capitalists, Charles Darwin, Christianity, Darwinism, David Berlinski, eugenics, Evolution, Evolution News, evolutionary biology, Francis Galton, Freudianism, Hugh Desmond, Intelligent Design, J.P. Moreland, Liliana M. Dávalos, Marxism, Marxists, Nancy Pearcey, Nazism, Neil Thomas, Philippe Huneman, Quarterly Review of Biology, Thomas Reydon, Yoda complex
Want your Darwinism thick or thin? Sorry; if these four scientists argue correctly, you only get the thick slice with some rather unsavory seasonings mixed in. Source
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No. 7 Story of 2023: Exhibition on the Bible and Science Opens in Nation’s Capital

Anthony Schmidt, Arno Penzias, Arthur Holly Compton, Bible, biology, Buzz Aldrin, Cambridge University, Catholic priest, Charles Townes, communion, cosmology, Deborah Haarsma, DNA, Evolution, Faith & Science, Fred Hoyle, Georges Lemaître, Guillermo Gonzalez, humans, Intelligent Design, James Gordon, Jeffrey Williams, Johannes Kepler, John Ray, Leslie Wickman, Melissa Cain Travis, Museum of the Bible, Nancy Pearcey, Nicholas Copernicus, Nobel Prize, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, Ota Benga, Pentateuch, Psalms, Robert Jastrow, Science and Scripture, Signature in the Cell, St. George Jackson Mivart, Stephen Meyer, The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of Creation, Thinking God’s Thoughts, Total Truth
Tracing the development of science over two millennia, the exhibition challenges a popular misconception about the relationship between the Bible and science. Source
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Self-Referential Absurdity in a Theory of Consciousness

blindness, Charles Darwin, consciousness, Euler's Identity, Evolution, evolutionary epistemology, Ezequiel Morsella, intelligence, Intelligent Design, Leonhard Euler, materialists, mathematics, mind, Nancy Pearcey, Neuroscience & Mind, rationality, Richard Dawkins, San Francisco State University, self-referential absurdity, self-referential fallacy, Theodosius Dobzhansky, William Provine, zombies
Leonhard Euler was known to work out complex derivations in his head while blind. Of what possible use was this ability for survival? Source
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 “What Is a Man?” — New Book Out Today from Nancy Pearcey

animal nature, Center for Science and Culture, Charles Darwin, Culture & Ethics, Darwinian theory, Darwinism, divine image, European customs, Evolution, evolutionary psychology, Fiction, human beings, males, masculinity, men, Nancy Pearcey, Sean McDowell, Tarzan, The Toxic War on Masculinity, women
Set aside one question of the moment — “What is a woman?” — and turn to another no less important problem that troubles our culture. Source
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The Toxic War on Masculinity with Nancy Pearcey – Part 2

AFR, Apologetics, app, Babylon Bee, cross examined, cross examined official podcast, faith, Frank Turek, God, google play, iTunes, Jesus Christ, Nancy Pearcey, Podcast, Radio, Seth Dillon, Spotify, stitcher, truth, Weekly Podcast
Podcast: Play in new window Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Android | iHeartRadio | Email | TuneIn | RSS Is Christianity a misogynistic religion that beats down on women? Does the Bible advocate for “toxic masculinity”? Modern culture would like you to believe that. But is that truly the case? In this midweek episode, Christian apologist, scholar, and author, Nancy Pearcey, returns to continue the discussion about her new book, ‘The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes’, and takes a deeper look at some of the questions addressed in Part 1 of the podcast. Frank and Nancy discuss the strengths of both men and women as image bearers of God, and also tackle questions such as: What is the cultural mandate? Does Christian marriage oppress women? Why…
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The Toxic War on Masculinity | with Nancy Pearcey – Part 1

AFR, Apologetics, app, Babylon Bee, cross examined, cross examined official podcast, faith, Frank Turek, God, google play, iTunes, Jesus Christ, Nancy Pearcey, Podcast, Radio, Seth Dillon, Spotify, stitcher, truth, Weekly Podcast
Podcast: Play in new window Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Android | iHeartRadio | Email | TuneIn | RSS Is masculinity a bad thing? In popular culture, it seems that it has become socially acceptable to attack men simply for being men! The media has even gone as far as categorizing all forms of male headship and authority in the home as oppressive, tyrannical, and patriarchal. Has the Church contributed to the demonization of all things masculine? And if so, what can we do to stop it? In this week’s podcast, Christian apologist, scholar, and author, Nancy Pearcey joins Frank to discuss her upcoming and unexpectedly controversial book, The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes, which focuses largely on the origin of “toxic masculinity” as a concept. Frank and Nancy…
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Dallas Conference: What Does “The Science” Really Say about Faith?

Andrew McDiarmid, Archaeology, Bible, Center for Science & Culture, Chemistry, Children, COVID-19, Culture & Ethics, Dallas Conference on Science & Faith, Darwinism, Exodus, Faith & Science, Geology, Howard Glicksman, human body, Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, James Tour, Jonathan McLatchie, lockdowns, mandates, media, Nancy Pearcey, public health, scientists, Stephen Meyer, Steve Laufmann, Titus Kennedy, transgenderism, Vaccines
This year's conference, February 17 and 18, will tackle subjects we haven't explored before, including archaeology, transgenderism, and tech addiction. Source
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