The Return of Natural Theology

Brian Miller, Charles Darwin, chemicals, Energy, entropy, evolutionary theory, Faith & Science, God's Grandeur, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, materialism, materialists, multiverse, natural processes, natural theology, order, origin of life, Pat Flynn, philosophers, Philosophy for the People, Podcast, reason
Influenced by a long line of materialist thinkers, Charles Darwin proposed the mechanism of natural selection as a substitute for God. Source
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The Origin of Life and the Wonder of Daily Existence

abiogenesis, ants, cell phones, civilization, daily existence, foresight, functional complexity, GPS, honeybees, information, insects, instinct, Intelligent Design, Life Sciences, materialistic universe, natural disasters, natural processes, non-life, origin of life, San Diego, space-time resources, unguided natural processes, vacation
Sometimes, civilization’s design breaks down, and we then see how complex, interdependent, and fragile the system really is. Source
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Engineering Principles Explain Biological Systems Better than Evolutionary Theory

antiquity, Apostle Paul, Aristotle, atomism, biology, Charles Darwin, Copernican Revolution, Engineering, Evolution, Francisco Ayala, genetics, Hippocrates, Intelligent Design, Lucretius, materialism, Modern Synthesis, natural processes, Neo-Darwinism, philosophy, Plato, population genetics, Romans, Science and Faith in Dialogue, teleology
Hippocrates proposed in the late 5th or early 4th century BC a model for heredity and adaptation that Charles Darwin described as nearly identical to his own. Source
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The Year in Review: Intelligent Design Grows in Influence and Depth

Artificial Intelligence, BIO-Complexity, biological information, Center for Science & Culture, conferences, Discovery Institute, Engineering Research Group, Evolution, Evolution News, Foresight (book), Howard Glicksman, human existence, Intelligent Design, James Tour, Marcos Eberlin, mathematics, Mind Matters News, natural processes, Nobel laureates, peer-reviewed journals, private events, Return of the God Hypothesis, Rice University, science, Science and Faith in Dialogue, Stephen Meyer, Steve Laufmann, Stuart Burgess, Westminster Conference on Science and Faith, Your Designed Body, YouTube videos, __k-review
Our researchers will continue to support and communicate what represents the earliest stages in the next great scientific revolution. Source
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Origin of Life from Basalt Lava Glass? Sorry, No

Astrobiology (journal), basalt lava glass, Chemistry, cyclic trimetaphosphate, early Earth, earth, Evolution, Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution, intelligent agency, Intelligent Design, investigators, Jack Szostak, James Tour, Mars, natural processes, nickel borate, nucleoside triphosphates, nucleosides, nucleotides, origin of life, phosphates, ribonucleic acid, RNA, RNA world, rock glasses
An honest evaluation of the studies leads to the conclusion that the formation of RNA could not have occurred through any natural processes on the early earth. Source
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Long Story Short — Did Purely Natural Processes Produce Biopolymers?

amino acids, biology, biopolymers, chirality, denaturation, DNA, Donna Blackmond, Evolution, formamide, glycans, Holy Grail, homochirality, Intelligent Design, Le Chatelier’s principle, lipids, Long Story Short, monomers, natural processes, nucleotides, Occam's Razor, origin of life, polymerization, proteins, RNA, solvents, sugars, toluene, wet/dry cycles, YouTube videos
Science provides a clear expectation of what natural processes produce, and what we observe in the biopolymers of life is dramatically unexpected.  Source
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Purifying Bad Results: How Origin-of-Life Researchers Cheat via “Relay Synthesis”

"building blocks" of life, abiogenesis, Agnieszka Wołos, Allchemy, amino acids, carbohydrates, Chemistry, concentration, Evolution, flask, impurities, Intelligent Design, laboratory supply, lipids, Long Story Short, natural processes, nucleotides, origin of life, Pier Luigi Luisi, relay synthesis, researchers, The Stairway to Life, YouTube videos
This is not a question of scale — even if the “chemist’s flask” were the entire Earth. Source
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Mistakes Our Critics Make: Limits of Evolutionary Processes

biological information, circular reasoning, de novo origination, Evolution, evolutionary processes, gene duplication, gene fission, gene fusion, Intelligent Design, lateral gene transfer, Lord of the Flies, Macbeth, natural processes, No Free Lunch theorems, β-lactamase
In previous articles, I demonstrated how substantial quantities of biological information cannot emerge through any natural process (see here and here), and I described how such information points to intelligent design. Now, I am addressing the mistakes typically made by critics who challenge these claims (see here, here, here, and here). See my post from Wednesday, here... Source
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