The Probability of a Past Event is One
4. Is the NT True?, Al Serrato, Evidential apologetics, evidential methods, history, naturalism, probability, Resurrection, scientism
In recent posts (here and here), I considered some of the difficulties inherent in defining what constitutes a miracle or recognizing an event as miraculous. The skeptic usually approaches the issue with the set presupposition that miracles, however defined, are not possible. They typically contend that what the believer concludes is a miracle is in fact explainable naturalistically and that the believer has allowed himself to be misled by limited knowledge, ignorance or wishful thinking. The skeptic, placing unquestioned faith in the power of science, confidently asserts that someday we will see that the miracle we assumed occurred was actually no such thing at all. This is a difficult topic to tackle in the abstract. If a miracle is defined as a departure from the known laws of nature, then…