Recovering the Right Brain in a Scientistic Culture

Artificial Intelligence, Atheism, beauty, brain, Culture, Culture & Ethics, faith, Faith & Science, human experience, Ian McGilchrist, Intelligent Design, left brain, Living in Wonder, Matthew Crawford, Meaning, New Atheism, Paul Kingsnorth, Peter Savodnik, right brain, Rod Dreher, scientism, secular culture, Technology, The Free Press, The World Beyond Your Head
Science and technology were hailed as the saviors of mankind, but instead, they’ve helped to push out crucial aspects of the human experience.  Source
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Richard Dawkins, the Unlikely Evangelist

Alister McGrath, Anikó Albert, Ard Louis, Ashley Lande, Christianity, Coming to Faith Through Dawkins, Denis Alexander, Evolution, Faith & Science, faith and science, Johan Erasmus, Joshua Pauling, Judaism, Michael Ruse, National Academies of Science, New Atheism, Sam Harris, Schadenfreude, Scott Alexander, Sy Garte
As a recent book of essays demonstrates, the once much-vaunted new atheism spurred many thinking people to become Christians. Source
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Against the Tide: John Lennox and Stephen Meyer

academia, Against the Tide, Atheism, C.S. Lewis, Cambridge University, Christianity, Culture & Ethics, Faith & Science, ID The Future, John Lennox, materialism, mathematicians, naturalism, New Atheism, Northern Ireland, Oxford University, Peter Atkins, philosophers, Richard Dawkins, scientific atheism, Stephen Meyer
Can one person push back against the strong currents of atheism, materialism, and naturalism so evident in academia and the public square today? Source
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Meyer: “Is the Designer an Alien or God?”

alien intelligence, atheists, biological information, Brian Keating, cosmos, DNA, HarperOne, Intelligent Design, New Atheism, origin of life, panspermia, physics, Physics, Earth & Space, Return of the God Hypothesis, Richard Dawkins, scientists, The Stream, U.C. San Diego
"The fine-tuning of the universe is better explained by an intelligent agent that transcends the universe, with attributes that we associate with God." Source
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Against the Tide: John Lennox on the New Atheism

C.S. Lewis, Cambridge University, Christianity, debates, Discovery Institute, documentary, Faith & Science, family, ID The Future, John Lennox, mathematicians, New Atheism, Northern Ireland, Oxford University, Peter Atkins, Podcast, Richard Dawkins, scientific atheism, Sold Out, Stephen Meyer, theaters, tickets
The movie will be in theaters for three nights only in November, and will feature a conversation between Dr. Lennox and Stephen Meyer following the screening. Source
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When “Science” Becomes a Cult

abortion, Bill Nye, biology, cult, dogma, double-talk, Douglas Axe, embryology, empirical science, Environmentalism, experimentation, Faith & Science, falsification, human rights, humanities, ideology, John Zmirak, Jonathan Wells, Marquis de Sade, materialistic philosophy, materialistic science, Moses, Nature (journal), nature rights, New Atheism, Pharaoh, political science, Politics, religion, sex, Simone de Beauvoir, The Stream, trust, Twitter, Wesley Smith
The problem comes when, in order to win our acceptance, double-talk is used to pretend that a cult is something other than what it is. Source
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