Canadian Disabled Woman Opts for Euthanasia Because She Can’t Get Timely Assistance

abandonment, bioethics, Bowmanville, Canada, CBC, compassion, Culture & Ethics, disability, disabled people, doctors, euthanasia, health care, housing, Inclusive Solutions, MAiD, medical assistance in dying, Medicine, nurse practitioners, Ontario, Ontario Disability Support Program, PTSD, quadriplegia, Rose Finlay, social injustice, veterans
I am hearing about this kind of abandonment much more often since Canada loosened its euthanasia eligibility requirements. Source
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The Fear of Suffering Is Driving Us Crazy

abortion, American Pediatric Association, animal rights, animal welfare, Belgium, bioethics, birth, California, Canada, Culture & Ethics, doctors, ethics, Finland, France, Gender Dysphoria, gender-affirming care, geographical features, glaciers, Holocaust, human exceptionalism, human life, insects, Jews, Journal of Medical Ethics, Life Sciences, mastectomies, Netherlands, Ontario, Oregon, organ donation, peas, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, plants, rivers, Sweden, unborn children, United Kingdom, Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
Our suffering phobia has triggered a harmful societal neurosis that has both subverted human exceptionalism and undermined societal common sense. Source
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In Canada, Euthanasia as “Boon” to Organ Donation

assisted suicide, Belgium, bioethics, bodies, Canada, disabled, donations, euthanasia, MAiD, medically assisted deaths, Medicine, mentally ill, Netherlands, Ontario, organ donation, Ottawa Citizen, patients, Ronnie Gavsie, Trillium Gift of Life Network
My very first anti-euthanasia column, published in Newsweek, warned that societal acceptance of assisted suicide/euthanasia would eventually include organ harvesting “as a plum to society.” I was called an alarmist and a fear-monger, but alas, I was right. In Belgium and the Netherlands, mentally ill and disabled people are killed in hospitals at their request, and then, their bodies are harvested — with the success of the procedures written up with all due respect in organ-transplant medical journals. Our Cousins to the North Our closest cultural cousins in Canada are enthusiastically following the same utilitarian path, not only allowing organ harvesting to be conjoined with euthanasia, but “medically assisted death” is being boosted increasingly as “a boon.” Note the celebratory lede in this Ottawa Citizen story: Ontarians who opt for…
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Forcing a Hospice to Euthanize in Canada

Adrian Dix, authoritarianism, British Columbia, Canada, caring, compassion, Delta Hospice Society, doctor, euthanasia, Fraser Health, Globe and Mail, Health Minister, hospice, Irene Thomas Hospice, Medicine, Ontario, patient, Soylent Green
Euthanasia is more than just legal in Canada. It has become a government-guaranteed right. But how to guarantee that the legally qualified who want to die are made dead? Unless the government establishes killing centers out of Soylent Green, it will have to coerce doctors into doing the killing — as has been done in Ontario. And, it will have to force medical facilities into allowing euthanasia on premises, whether their administators like it or not. Standing Tall Such an imposition is now taking place in British Columbia, where the Dignity Hospice board of directors are standing tall for the hospice philosophy of caring — but never killing — by refusing to permit euthanasia in the facililty. In response, the B.C. Health Minister is threatening to restrict funding in the…
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