What Does Your Brain Do? And What Can It Not Do?

Aristotle, augustine, blood, brains, carbon dioxide, Denyse O'Leary, emotions, free will, heart, Intellect, kidneys, mathematics, Medicine, memories, Montreal Neurological Institute, muscles, Mystery of the Mind, neuroscience, Neuroscience & Mind, oxygen, pain, philosophy, Plato, The Immortal Mind, Thomas Aquinas, urine, Wilder Penfield
A surprising result of pioneering neurosurgery was the discovery that some mental processes could be stimulated in the brain but others could not be. Source
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Is the Human Eye Really Evidence Against Intelligent Design?

blind spot, capillaries, cephalopod, choriocapillaris, Douglas Futuyma, Evolution, evolutionary biologists, evolutionary theory, George Williams, human eye, Intelligent Design, Jerry Coyne, Jonathan Losos, Kenneth Mason, Kenneth Miller, Nathan Lents, optic nerve, oxygen, photocell, photoreceptor cell, retina, retinal pigment epithelium, Richard Dawkins, Richard Young, Susan Singer, The Blind Watchmaker, toxins, vertebrate
Good empirical science searches for explanations that fit the evidence. But another kind of “science” is committed to telling stories about unguided evolution. Source
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Challenges to the Evolutionary Origins of the Glycolytic Pathway

adenosine triphosphate, amino acids, ATP, biochemical pathway, causal circularity, cellular respiration, citric acid cycle, Complexity, condensation reaction, electron transport chain, Engineering, enzymes, Evolution, fructose, glycolysis, glycolytic pathway, hexokinase, hinge, Intelligent Design, Keith Webster, mind, oxidative phosphorylation, oxygen, phosphofructokinase, pyruvate, unguided evolution, universal common ancestor, water
The complexity and engineering sophistication comport much better with the hypothesis of design. Source
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Pig Brains Thought Dead May Be Revived

Andre Sousa, bioethics, brain damage, brains, circulation, death, emergency room, Lucid Dying, Medicine, Nature (journal), Nenad Sestan, neuroscience, Neuroscience & Mind, nutrients, oxygen, oxygenation, pigs, resuscitation, Sam Parnia, Scientific American, Yale University
Pigs are considered useful biomedical models for humans so the implications of such studies sent waves through the field of resuscitation — and bioethics. Source
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Illuminating the Power of Life

animate realm, biosphere, conditional entailment, copper, Evolution, functional logic, inorganic realm, insulin, Intelligent Design, intentionality, intrinsic properties, Irreducible Complexity, Isaac Newton, life, Newtonian mechanics, oxygen, powers ontology, purpose, redox chain, science of purpose, serum glucose, thermodynamics
That which is unique to life alone, which offers the only valid explanation of irreducible complexity, is the manifestation of goal-directed functional logic. Source
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Design of the Elements Points to a Theistic Universe

alkali metal ions, amino, atoms carbon, ATP, ATP synthase, carbon atom, carboxyl, cellular respiration, cytochrome c, depolarization, electrons, hydrogen, Intelligent Design, intermembrane space, ligands, methyl, Michael Denton, mitochondrial membrane, multicellular lifeforms, nerve impulses, nitrogen, oxygen, periodic table of elements, Physics, Earth & Space, protein complexes, transition metals, universe
An innumerable number of features of the natural world show evidence of purpose and intent. Source
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The Remarkable Carbon Atom

beryllium, carbon, carbon resonance, elements, energy levels, Fred Hoyle, Geraint Lewis, helium, hydrogen, hydrophobic force, Intelligent Design, life, Luke Barnes, macromolecules, neutrons, nitrogen, nuclear astrophysics, organic molecules, oxygen, Physics, Earth & Space, Primo Levi, protons, Robert E. D. Clark, silicon, universe, William Fowler
This is another one of many countless features of our universe that have to be “just right” for life — in particular, advanced life — to exist. Source
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An Astonishing Life-Friendly Coincidence: The Properties of the Nonmetal Atoms

advanced life, amine, Atheism, biochemistry, biology, carbon, carboxyl, cell's, Charles Tanford, covalent bonds, environmental fitness, hydrogen, hydrophilic force, hydrophobic force, hydroxyl, Intelligent Design, Michael Denton, nitrogen, oxygen, periodic table of elements, Physics, Earth & Space, proteins, teleological arguments, The Miracle of the Cell, theism, universe
It is well established that there are far more ways in which the universe might have been that are non-conducive to life than there are life-friendly ways. Source
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In Aurora Borealis, Scientific and Aesthetic Design Arguments Meet 

Africa, ancestors, Ann Gauger, atmosphere, aurora, aurora australis, aurora borealis, beauty, Brian Miller, carbon, earth, electrons, Emily Sandico, evolutionary biology, evolutionary psychology, Faith & Science, Geology, geomagnetic storm, helium, hydrogen, Intelligent Design, iPhone, iron, Joe Biden, Judeo-Christian tradition, Junk DNA, magnesium, magnetic field, magnetic field lines, magnetic particles, magnetosphere, materialists, neon, nitrogen, northern lights, oxygen, paleomagnetism, PhD, radiation, Seattle, solar system, South Africa, vortex, Wikipedia
You appreciate the aurora borealis or aurora australis because you were not created by strictly material evolutionary processes. Source
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