Barbara McClintock,
Discovery Institute,
Eva Jablonka,
Intelligent Design,
James Clerk Maxwell,
James Shapiro,
John Cairns,
Maxwell’s demon,
molecular machines,
natural genetic engineering,
origin of information,
origin of life,
Paul Davies,
Physics, Earth & Space,
Second Law of Thermodynamics,
Stephen Meyer,
The Demon in the Machine
Editor’s note: Dr. Shedinger is a Professor of Religion at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. He is the author of a recent book critiquing Darwinian triumphalism, The Mystery of Evolutionary Mechanisms. No better advertisements for intelligent design exist than works written by establishment scientists that unintentionally make design arguments. I can think of few better examples than well-known cosmologist Paul Davies’s recently published book The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life (2019). With a nod toward James Clerk Maxwell’s entropy-defying demon, Davies argues that the gulf between physics and biology is completely unbridgeable without some fundamentally new concept. Since living organisms consistently resist the ravages of entropy that all forms of inanimate matter are subject to, there must be some non-physical principle allowing living…