Fossil Friday: When Paleontologists Let Turtles Fly

crest, Darren Naish, Darwinism, David Unwin, England, Evolution, flying reptiles, Fossil Friday (series), fossil recod, Intelligent Design, Kallokibotion bajadiz, Mark Norell, Mark Witten, misidentifications, neo-Darwinian evolution, Nicholas Fraser, paleontology, pseudoscience, pterosaur, Rhamphorhynchoidea, Romania, Stephen Brusatte, Thalassodromeus sethi, Thalassodromus sebesensis, Transylvania, Triassic period, vampires
Do such misidentifications and interpretational problems show that Darwinism is false and intelligent design is true? Of course not. Source
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What Is Pseudoscience? A Philosopher Tries to Figure It Out

astrology, Atheism, Christof Koch, creationism, David Chalmers, Evidence, fine-tuning, homeopathy, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Intelligent Design, Kåre Letrud, Massimo Pigliucci, Neuroscience & Mind, Nonsense on Stilts, parapsychology, philosophers, philosophical preference, Philosophy of Pseudoscience, pseudoscience, Skeptical Inquirer, UFOs
One is tempted to wonder whether “room for disagreement” is a polite term for Not Yet Cancelled. Source
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In Debate on Intelligent Design, Critic Cites Dragon Legend to Justify Evolution’s Failures

bacterial flagellum, debates, dinosaur bones, Dragon, English, Evolution, Fundacja En Arche, Holocaust, Intelligent Design, Kraków, Malgorzata Moczydlowska-Vidal, Michael Behe, Michael Ruse, micropaleontology, philosophers, Poland, Polish, pseudoscience, Richard Sternberg, scientists, Silesia, Smok wawelski, Sweden, Uppsala University, virgins, Vladimir Putin, Wawel Castle, Wawel Dragon
It is, as Professor Behe acknowledges, a charming tale, but not very relevant as far as the details of the scientific debate go. Source
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Fossil Friday: The Explosive Origin of Complex Eyes in Trilobites

arthropods, begging the question, Cambrian Explosion, common ancestry, Darwinists, Evolution, evolutionary biology, falsification, Fossil Friday, fossil record, holochroal eyes, immunization, just-so stories, materialists, Molière, opium, paleontology, phylogeny, pseudoscience, schizochroal eyes, Stephen Meyer, trilobites
The theory has been made immune to empirical falsification because it is simply assumed to be true by default as the only viable option for materialists. Source
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Whoopi Goldberg: Ignorant about Darwinian Racism; But of Course She Shouldn’t Be Fired

ABC, Adolf Hitler, anti-Semitism, Culture & Ethics, Darwinian racism, Darwinism, eugenics, Evolution, history, Holocaust, Jews, New York Post, pseudoscience, Race, Racism, Richard Weikart, skin color, Stephen Colbert, white nationalism, Whoopi Goldberg
Hitler was clear that he deplored the mistake of basing anti-Semitism on “religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.” Source
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Can Natural Reward Theory Save Natural Selection?

alleles, animals, Burgess Shale, Cambrian Explosion, cotton, Darwinian theory, ecosystems, Evolution, foresight, fossil record, John Rust, Macroevolution, materialism, molecular machines, Monopoly, natural selection, Owen M. Gilbert, oxygen, pseudoscience, Rethinking Ecology, selection pressure, teleology, The Origin of Species, Thomas Malthus, University of Texas
An evolutionist dismantles natural selection, then tries to rescue it with his own theory. It won’t work. Source
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Elk Goes Down; Darwin Breathes a Sigh of Relief

abolitionist movement, Afghan Hound, Black Lives Matter, Border Collie, Bronx Zoo, Charles Darwin, Christians, civil rights, Creativity, Darwinists, dominance, elk, Evolution, Human Zoos, John West, Judeo-Christian tradition, New York Times, Oregon, Ota Benga, pastors, Portland, priests, protesters, pseudoscience, racial hierarchy, Racism, scientific racism, scripture, statues, Wesley Smith
What is the evolutionary argument against unapologetic racism and the supremacy of whatever race can climb to the top? Source
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Darwinism and “No Lives Matter”

alt-right, Center for Science & Culture, Charles Darwin, churches, Culture & Ethics, Darwinism, Evolution, evolutionists, Francis Scott Key, ID The Future, Mike Keas, No Lives Matter, Peter Singer, Podcast, pseudoscience, Racism, Richard Weikart, scientific racism, Shrewsbury, statues, Ulysses Grant, V.I. Lenin, vandals, white nationalists
I’ve wondered if the marauding vandals will come eventually for the Darwin statues. I hope NOT, but let’s face it — between Francis Scott Key or Ulysses Grant, on one hand, and Charles Darwin on the other, whose work has done more to undergird racism? There’s no contest.  A classic episode of ID the Future, republished now, is eerie in its relevance to the culture at the moment. Host and science historian Michael Keas interviewed historian and Center for Science & Culture Senior Fellow Richard Weikart about the racial pseudoscience that’s integral to the Darwinian scientific heritage. As Professor Weikart explains, Darwin’s racism is not incidental to his case for evolution. It’s not as if he was merely a product of his time, with the reprehensible attitudes held by other…
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