Darwinian Death: Euthanasia Meets Eugenics
agnostics, atheists, Culture & Ethics, disabilities, Edward Tylor, Ernst Haeckel, Essays of the Birmingham Speculative Club, eugenics, euthanasia, Evolution, F. H. Bradley, Fortnightly Review, Francis Galton, Germany, Hans-Walter Schmuhl, Ian Dowbiggin, illnesses, International Journal of Ethics, Judeo-Christian tradition, Lionel Tollemache, Natural History of Creation, Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, Nick Kemp, Punishment, self-murder, self-redemption, The Cure for Incurables, The Wonders of Life, usefulness, World War I
One powerful influence on the early euthanasia movement was eugenics ideology, which emerged first in the 1860s under the leadership of Francis Galton. Source