Should We Repent for the Sins of Our Ancestors? with Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager

ancestors, Bible, Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Dr. Frank Turek, Krista Bontrager, Monique Duson, morality, philosophy, Podcast, Race, Racism, religion, Salvery, theology, Walk In Unity
 Should reparations be paid to people who are the ancestors of slaves? After all, aren’t reparations biblical? On this midweek podcast episode, Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager from The Center for Biblical Unity return to continue the conversation that centers on their new book, ‘Walking in Unity: Biblical Answers to Questions on Race and Racism‘ and address the following questions: Can a biblical case be made for reparations? What’s the major problem with the modern day reparations movement? Is the way we see Black America today a direct result of slavery? Are all disparities due to racism? Did Lyndon Johnson’s ‘War on Poverty’ help or hurt the black community? During the second half of the episode, you’ll also hear the fascinating story of how their ministry started, including details…
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Walking in Unity with Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager

Christian Apologetics, Christianity, Dr. Frank Turek, Krista Bontrager, Monique Duson, morality, philosophy, Podcast, Race, religion, theology, walking in unity
If you say the wrong thing about race, even innocently, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll be convicted and cancelled in the court of public opinion and maybe even the church. In fact, the election revealed a divide between ethnic groups in the church. So how can we come together as Christians to discuss this controversial issue without losing friendships in the process? This week on the podcast, Frank is joined by two people who are no strangers to difficult conversations when it comes to race and religion, Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager, co-founders of The Center for Biblical Unity and co-authors of the brand-new and much anticipated book, ‘Walking in Unity: Biblical Answers to Questions on Race and Racism.’ Together, Frank, Monique, and Krista tackle the following questions: Why has…
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Bioethicists Want to Rule the World!

abortion, Anglicans, anti-racism, assisted suicide, bioethicists, bioethics, carbon tax, Catholicism, cease-fire, Culture & Ethics, DEI, disability, embryonic stem cells, equity, experts, Gaza, gender, gobbledygook, Hastings Center Report, health, human cloning, Impact Ethics, indigeneity, lawyers, MDs, medical conscience, Medicine, philosophers, pro-life, Progressive Ideology, Race, Second Amendment, sexuality, technocracy, university professors, Vardit Ravitsky, woke ideology
It seems to me that the best approach to the policy opinions of mainstream bioethicists is to consider the source, shrug, and carry on. Source
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Recognizing the Scandal in the Universities — Will It Extend to Origins Science?

academia, administrators, Andrew McDiarmid, biology, CNN, DEI, Education, Fareed Zakaria, free speech, gender, genocide, Harvard University, historians, humanities, ID The Future, intelligent causes, Jules Michelet, methodological naturalism, methodological pluralism, Michael Keas, MIT, Monopoly, natural causes, Peggy Noonan, Podcast, professors, Race, red pill, scholars, silver lining, tenure, Testimony, Trivial Pursuit, universities, University of Pennsylvania, Wall Street Journal, woke ideology, Worldview
The regime of methodological naturalism is affirmative action for scientific ideas. Source
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Top Science Journal: Let’s Export Wokeness to Outer Space

brilliance, Center for Black Studies, colonizing, courage, Culture & Ethics, determination, earth, equity, Erika Nesvold, ethnicity, frontier, grit, indigenous people, JustSpace Alliance, Knoxville, Mars, Moon, Nature (journal), Oregon, outer space, Physics, Earth & Space, Portland State University, prison, Progressive Ideology, Race, religion, reproductive rights, rigor, San Francisco, settling, sex, University of Tennessee, Walidah Imarisha, Wild West
Equity advocate says future space colonies should be governed similarly to places like San Francisco or Portland. Source
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The Cruel Legacy of Social Darwinism in Nigeria

Africa, Africans, biology, Charles Darwin, chimpanzees, colonialism, Culture & Ethics, Darwin Comes to Africa, ethnicity, Europe, Europeans, Evolution, French Guinea, genetics, historiography, Joseph Stalin, Mandinka, morality, nationality, natural selection, Nigeria, Northern Nigeria, pseudo-science, Race, Racism, random mutation, religion, scientific racism, Social Darwinism, tiger, tiger moth
Social Darwinism rests like a tiger moth on Darwinism, its mother theory; when challenged with facts, it just flits to a slightly different position. Source
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Whoopi Goldberg: Ignorant about Darwinian Racism; But of Course She Shouldn’t Be Fired

ABC, Adolf Hitler, anti-Semitism, Culture & Ethics, Darwinian racism, Darwinism, eugenics, Evolution, history, Holocaust, Jews, New York Post, pseudoscience, Race, Racism, Richard Weikart, skin color, Stephen Colbert, white nationalism, Whoopi Goldberg
Hitler was clear that he deplored the mistake of basing anti-Semitism on “religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.” Source
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In the Name of “Academic Freedom,” a Scientist Calls for Punishing Creationists

academic freedom, accrediting agency, atheists, Ball State University, BDS movement, Big Tech, Canceled Science, censorship, China, Christian colleges, computational biology, creation science, creationism, customers, East Coast, employers, equality, eric hedin, free speech, freedom, freedom from religion foundation, Giant Food, Intelligent Design, invidious labeling, Israel, Jerry Coyne, Joshua Swamidass, Justice, lockdown, othering, Punishment, Race, racial indoctrination, religion, reward, scientists, social credit, supermarkets, The Boundaries of Science, viewpoint, Wall Street Journal, Washington University
The practice has a sordid history. There’s always a rationale — for example, in labeling Israeli businesses, or those doing business with Israel, to be avoided. Source
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Andrew Sullivan, Meet Richard Sternberg

Andrew Sullivan, canary in the coal mine, cancel culture, censorship, Evolution, free speech, human dignity, human exceptionalism, intelligence, Intelligent Design, Michael Egnor, New York Magazine, News Media, Race, Richard Sternberg, Rod Dreher, scientists, Smithsonian Institution, Stephen Meyer, The Bell Curve, The New Republic
This is another illustration of what Michael Egnor and others have said: intelligent design was the “canary in the coal mine” when it comes to cancel culture. Source
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