Pastoral Counseling and the Resurrection of Jesus, Gospel, Pastoral Counseling, pastors, psychology, Resurrection, Theology and Christian Apologetics, Therapy, TJ Gentry
When reflecting on over forty years of pastoral ministry carried out in numerous forms and contexts, two recurring realities emerge as most prominent in my experience. First, people are often profoundly troubled and deeply hurting amid the moral chaos and cultural decay of a sin-stricken world, resulting in a brokenness that reaches the deepest recesses of the human mind and heart. Second, the gospel—the hopeful proclamation of the now-and-not-yet kingdom of God as manifested in the deity, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—is the greatest source of healing for individuals, families, churches, and cultures.[i] “The gospel—the hopeful proclamation of the now-and-not-yet kingdom of God as manifested in the deity, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—is the greatest source of healing for individuals, families, churches, and cultures.” In a word, the…
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The Probability of a Past Event is One

4. Is the NT True?, Al Serrato, Evidential apologetics, evidential methods, history, naturalism, probability, Resurrection, scientism
In recent posts (here and here), I considered some of the difficulties inherent in defining what constitutes a miracle or recognizing an event as miraculous. The skeptic usually approaches the issue with the set presupposition that miracles, however defined, are not possible. They typically contend that what the believer concludes is a miracle is in fact explainable naturalistically and that the believer has allowed himself to be misled by limited knowledge, ignorance or wishful thinking. The skeptic, placing unquestioned faith in the power of science, confidently asserts that someday we will see that the miracle we assumed occurred was actually no such thing at all. This is a difficult topic to tackle in the abstract. If a miracle is defined as a departure from the known laws of nature, then…
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Show Us A Sign: The Cross And The Death Of Blind Faith

1 Corinthians 15, Apologetics, Christianity, Easter, Gospel, gospels, historicity, Jesus, Prophecy, Quest Questions Apologetics, Resurrection, Shane Geisler, Theology and Christian Apologetics
Each Easter season, approximately 400,000 churches across the U.S. gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus: one story portraying the faith of over two billion people globally. But have we grown ignorant of a driving factor behind the eternally preordained plan? Might we have entirely missed what Jesus cited as making His public execution necessary? The cross has come to manifest the forgiveness of sins, and rightfully so. Notwithstanding, in the time preceding His trial, Jesus made it exceedingly clear the plan was multifaceted . . . and He had skeptics in mind. [1] Just One Problem Modern recollections of resurrection Sunday tend to focus solely upon substitutionary atonement. Christians gather to reflect on this distinctive of their faith. The New Testament tells us Jesus, “though he was in the…
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The Resurrection of Jesus: The Evidential Contribution of Luke-Acts

Apologetics, Christianity is True, Easter, Evidence for Christianity, evidence for the Resurrection, Jesus Christ, Jonathan McLatchie, Luke-Acts, Resurrection, Resurrection of Jesus, theology, Theology and Christian Apologetics
By: Jonathan McLatchie Any discussion of the evidence for the resurrection must first ascertain what the original apostolic witnesses claimed and whether those claims are best explained by the resurrection, or by some alternative hypothesis. The contemporary discussion of the case for the resurrection has largely focused around 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, a text believed by many scholars to represent an ancient creedal tradition that Paul had received from the Jerusalem apostles and which he passed on to the believers in Corinth.[i]  Paul’s words in verse 11 (“Whether then it was I or they, so we preach and so you believed”) also suggest that the message Paul presented to the Corinthians is the same as that proclaimed by the Jerusalem apostles. A popular criticism of this line of argument is that…
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Why Good Friday is the Best News Ever

Bible, Crucifixion, Culture CrossExamined, Frank Turek, Jesus Christ, New Testament, Resurrection, Theology and Christian Apologetics
By Frank Turek Despite intense personal and political division, we all agree on one thing: something is terribly wrong with this world.  Pain, suffering, injustice, and death affect us all at some point because we live in a broken world.  And we live in a broken world because we are all personally broken. Who hasn’t committed any moral wrongs? (If you claim you haven’t, you just committed a moral wrong—lying!)  The truth is we are all fallen.  While we hate the evil done by others, we rarely notice the evil we do. We may call our political opponents hypocrites, but we don’t even live up to our own standards much less God’s.  None of us are perfect.  We are all guilty of something. It’s only when we admit our guilt…
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5 Reasons the Resurrection of Jesus is NOT a Copy of Ancient Pagan Myths

3. Are Miracles Possible?, Alisa Childers, Easter, Jesus, Jesus Christ, miracles, New Testament, Resurrection, Theology and Christian Apologetics, Uncategorized
By Alisa Childers We are coming up on a time of year when the resurrection of a virgin-born child whose followers called the “Good Shepherd” and “Messiah” is celebrated. He had twelve disciples, performed miracles, and sacrificed himself for the peace of the world. He was buried in a tomb only to rise from the dead three days later. His followers went on to celebrate his resurrection every year, and this celebration eventually became what we call “Easter. Think I’m talking about Jesus? Nope. I’m talking about Mithras. This is a common claim that is made by skeptics all over popular media, the internet, and even in some universities. The only problem—it’s simply not true. According to Mithraic tradition, Mithras was born out of solid rock (I guess it counts…
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The Resurrection Is A Historical Fact

4. Is the NT True?, Apologetics, Bob Perry, Christianity, Evidence, Jesus Christ, Resurrection, theology, Theology and Christian Apologetics,
By Bob Perry Jesus of Nazareth died on a Roman cross, then resurrected from the dead three days later. It’s not just a fairy tale. Christians believe that the Resurrection is a historical fact. It’s what sets Christianity apart from every other world religion. It is the foundation of the Christian faith. If it’s not true the New Testament is fiction, Jesus is a fraud, and Christianity is a false religion. Anyone would be a fool to believe in it. This isn’t just my opinion. It’s the Apostle Paul’s: 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 — “… if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the…
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Lennox: Atheists’ Best Objection to Theism?

Against the Tide, atheists, Christchurch earthquake, Christianity, Evolution News, Faith & Science, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Gunning for God, hope, John Lennox, morality, New Zealand, Resurrection, Richard Dawkins, theism, trailer, Where is God in a Coronavirus World?
I think the hardest problem that any of us face is the problem of pain and suffering. I’ve written in great detail about that but I will say one or two things. Source
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Don’t the Resurrection Narratives Contradict?

3. Are Miracles Possible?, Apologetics, Christianity, Erik Manning, Evidence, God, IsJesusAlive, Miracle, New Testament, objections, Resurrection, Skeptics, theology, Theology and Christian Apologetics
By Erik Manning The apostle Paul said that if Christ hasn’t risen, Christianity is a sham. (1 Corinthians 15:17) Many atheists agree and will happily point to the gospel accounts. Just how seriously should they take the claim of the resurrection? After all, aren’t the accounts riddled with contradictions? How can they possibly be trusted? Historians don’t normally conclude that just because individual accounts have apparent contradictions that the event in question didn’t occur. But let’s allow that to pass for now. I think the majority of the discrepancies that critics bring up can be easily resolved. Here’s a list of four of the most popular contradictions in the resurrection account that skeptics like to point to. #1. HOW MANY WOMEN WERE AT THE TOMB OF JESUS? How many women…
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The Most Influential Life in History

AFR, Apologetics, app, cross examined, cross examined official podcast, CrossExamined, crossexamined podcast, Frank Turek, google play, iTunes, Jesus Christ, Podcast, podcasting, Radio, Radio Show, Resurrection, Spotify, stitcher, Weekly Podcast
Podcast: Play in new window Who was the most influential person in history?  It was a person who never led an army, never held office, never wrote a book, never traveled more than 200 miles from where he was born.  Yet today, he’s the center of humanity.  How so?  Because Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead.  If there was no resurrection, how could that life be the history’s most influential life? Join Frank as he presents evidence that Jesus rose from the dead, and reminds us, with a graphic account of the passion, the kind of suffering Jesus had to endure to buy our freedom. Subscribe on iTunes:  rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Stitcher: Free Resource Get the first chapter of…
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