Recovering the Right Brain in a Scientistic Culture

Artificial Intelligence, Atheism, beauty, brain, Culture, Culture & Ethics, faith, Faith & Science, human experience, Ian McGilchrist, Intelligent Design, left brain, Living in Wonder, Matthew Crawford, Meaning, New Atheism, Paul Kingsnorth, Peter Savodnik, right brain, Rod Dreher, scientism, secular culture, Technology, The Free Press, The World Beyond Your Head
Science and technology were hailed as the saviors of mankind, but instead, they’ve helped to push out crucial aspects of the human experience.  Source
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Right Brain Vs. Left Brain? It’s Murky

brain, brain correlates, Creativity, Healthline, Iain McGilchrist, language, learning styles, left brain, left-handedness, lobes, Medicine, neuroscience, Neuroscience & Mind, Neuroscience News, personality, preferences, right brain, Robert H. Shmerling, Scott Barry Kaufman, The Matter with Things, vertebrates, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Vertebrates generally have brains divided into two lobes, an arrangement that may go back half a billion years. Source
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