Sabine Hossenfelder, Taking on Consciousness, Tackles Panpsychism

Allen Institute for Brain Science, carrots, Christof Koch, David Chalmers, Eugene Wigner, Giulio Tonioni, Hard Problem, humans, Integrated information theory, John von Neumann, Kelvin MacQueen, Neuroscience & Mind, panpsychism, quantum effects, quantum wave, Sabine Hossenfelder, science, universe
She wants to apologize to all carrots who are watching her video — but carrots are not watching and that’s the point. Source
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Theoretical Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder on the Deficiency of Alternative Models to Big Bang Cosmology 

Big Bang, CERN, cosmic microwave background, cosmology, Faith & Science, fine-tuning, God Hypothesis, initial conditions, Intelligent Design, Jim Hartle, Large Hadron Collider, mass-energy, physics, Physics, Earth & Space, quantum gravity, Return of the God Hypothesis, Roger Penrose, Sabine Hossenfelder, Stephen Hawking, universe
Hossenfelder concludes that “we are facing the limits of science itself.” And the question of the universe’s origin “we’ll never be able to answer.” Source
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Cyclic Universe Can’t Avoid a Cosmic Beginning

Big Bang, Big Crunch, Brian Koberlein, cosmology, cyclic universe, fluctuations, gravitational waves, infinity, inflationary theory, James Webb Space Telescope, mathematics, Paul J. Steinhardt, physics, Physics, Earth & Space, Princeton University, Roger Penrose, Sabine Hossenfelder, science, Standard Model, universe
The recent flutter over whether the James Webb Space Telescope’s data stream is a plus or a minus for the Big Bang raised interesting cosmological issues. Source
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#4 of Our Top Stories of 2019: Apeman Waves Goodbye to Darwinian Gradualism

Afar region, Australopithecines, Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithecus anamensis, Belohdelie frontal, Charles Darwin, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Darwinian gradualism, Daspletosaurus, David Gelernter, Ethiopia, Franz Hilgendorf, Galápagos Islands, Germany, Globorotalia foraminifers, Homo (genus), Human Origins, Little Foot, Lucy, Michael Rasser, Modern evolutionary synthesis, mount improbable, MRD, National Geographic, Natural History Museum, Neo-Darwinism, Niles Eldredge, paleontology, Paranthropus, Richard Dawkins, Royal Society, Sabine Hossenfelder, stasis, Steinheim freshwater snails, Stephen Jay Gould, stickleback fish, Stuttgart, vertebrate, Yohannes Haile-Selassie
Editor’s note: The staff of Evolution News wish you a Happy New Year! We are counting down our top ten stories of 2019. If you haven’t done so yet, please take a moment now to contribute to our work in bringing you news and analysis about evolution, intelligent design, and more every day of the year. There is no other voice, no other source of information, like ours. Thank you for your friendship and your support! The following article was originally published here on September 6, 2019. A few days ago a sensational new paleontological discovery made headlines around the globe. After 15 years of searching, and the recovery of 12,600 fossils including 230 hominin remains (Leakey Foundation 2019), finally a rather complete skull has been found and described for…
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