Soul Survives Death? ER Doc Faces Skepticism

Baram Elahi, brain function, cardiac arrest, clinical death, Closer to Truth, consciousness, death, doctors, Faith & Science, John Eccles, Lord Kelvin, Lucid Dying, near-death experiences, Neuroscience & Mind, Nobel Prize, physics, post-death consciousness, Psyche, Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Sam Parnia, skepticism, soul
In discussion with Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Dr. Sam Parnia stuck to his clearly defined evidence, avoiding religious digressions. Source
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Becoming Skeptical of Modern Skepticism

4. Is the NT True?, Apologetics,, Brian Chilton, Charles Darwin, Christianity, cynicism, David Hume, Doubt, faith, Gospel, Michael Licona, rudooph Bultmann, skepticism, Stephen Meyer, Theology and Christian Apologetics, william lane craig
Some skepticism is warranted. None of us want to live within a paradigm of naivety. No one wants to blindly accept every foolish notion that comes down the pipeline. A quick glance at social media along with the acknowledgment of the tweaks and twists that artificial intelligence can bring to videos and audio files only intensifies our need for discernment. Even still, as believers, we must differentiate between discernment and all-out skepticism. Discernment evaluates data to see whether the information is valid and trustworthy. In contrast, skepticism doubts or denies claims that seem to be grandiose or beyond the status quo. Even more to the point, skepticism can deny propositional claims. When left unrestrained, skepticism could lead to doubt, which in turn can lead to the denial of propositions (i.e.,…
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Fooled by Darwinism: A Scholar’s Cautionary Tale

ancient Greeks, Antony Flew, atheists, Bertrand Russell, crypto-animism, Darwinian materialism, Evolution, fatalism, geneticists, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, John Updike, Middle Ages, natural selection, Neil Thomas, paganism, paleontologists, Podcast, poetry, Richard Dawkins, skepticism, Taking Leave of Darwin, theistic humanism
Neil Thomas links the posturing of atheists Richard Dawkins and Bertrand Russell with the fatalism of poetry stretching back to the Middle Ages, and further. Source
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Stephen Meyer: Evidence of Mind in the Natural World

Christianity, cosmology, Doug Monroe, Faith & Science, fine-tuning, Greek, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, Latin, materialism, miracles, multiverse, Occam's Razor, practice, praxis, Praxis Circle, scientific method, scientific revolution, skepticism, Stephen Meyer, theistic evolution, theology, Worldview
Can we scientifically detect the activity of a mind behind the universe? Philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer answers this question and more. Source
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How Media Helped to Corrupt Science

academic freedom, Allysia Finley, Anthony Fauci, Ashley Rindsberg, Breakthrough Institute, China, City Journal, climate science, COVID-19, Emily Kopp, First Amendment, free speech, gain-of-function research, Internet, James B. Meigs, Jay Bhattacharya, media, Medicine, Mind Matters, News Media, Patrick Brown, Paul Thacker, science media, skepticism, Stanford University, Tablet, Wall Street Journal, Wuhan
Traditional popular media, science media, and science journalists have all helped create a situation where we can’t afford to Trust the Science! Source
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New Course on Evolution Challenges Group-Think with Scientific Skepticism

biological origins, biology, cell biology, DiscoveryU, Education, empirical science, Evidence, Evolution, fear, free will, God, group-think, heretics, Icons of Evolutions, Intelligent Design, Jonathan Wells, materialistic science, molecular biology, obedience, origin of life, Orthodoxy, religious studies, skepticism, spirit, The Design of Life, The Myth of Junk DNA, totalitarian science, UC Berkeley, Yale University
Consider spending the time — 40 lessons with accompanying quizzes to check your progress — to weigh the evidence for yourself. Source
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Michael Behe Debates Evolution and Catholicism

biology, Catholicism, common descent, Creation, Darwin's Black Box, Darwinian mechanisms, devolution, elephants, Evolution, faith, Faith & Science, grizzly bears, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, Lehigh University, Matthew Ramage, Michael Behe, Neo-Darwinism, Pat Flynn, Philosophy for the People, polar bears, Pope Benedict XVI, secondary causation, skepticism, theology
Dr. Behe says that his skepticism toward neo-Darwinism stemmed purely from his scientific research. Source
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