More on the Panda’s Thumb: Imperfection or Masterpiece?

Ailurarctos, Ailuropoda, Ailuropodinae, bears, biologists, biology, Chinese scientists, deletions, diploidal genome, DUOX2, Engineering, Evolution, genera, geneticists, giant panda, insertions, Intelligent Design, Mendelian recombination, mutations, neo-Darwinian theory, Panda's Thumb, phenotype, physiological traits, positively selected genes, Qinling panda, researchers, Roland Slowik, species, stasis, Ursidae
I would like to express my appreciation as a geneticist and biologist for the work on the molecular investigations and many other topics in the panda’s biology. Source
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Darwin’s Racism of the Gaps 

aborigines, Africans, Alfred Russel Wallace, Australians, baboons, Caucasians, Charles Darwin, Europeans, Evolution, fossil record, Fuegians, gorillas, history, HMS Beagle, Human Origins, humans, intelligence, John Stuart Mill, Origin of Species, races, Racism, Reasoning, Richard Weikart, species, stem, Texas, The Descent of Man, Tierra del Fuego, United Nations
A defender of Darwinism might object that it’s silly to ding Darwin for his racism, since just about every white person in Victorian England was racist. Source
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“Creation Myths” Misquotes and Misrepresents Junk DNA Video

American Scientist, biochemistry, biologists, biology, Creation Myths, Dan Graur, Dan Stern Cardinale, DNA, ENCODE, Evolution, Ewan Birney, functionality, genetics, genome, human genome, Intelligent Design, John Stamatoyannopoulos, Junk DNA, junk RNA, Laurence Moran, Long Story Short, Nature (journal), repetitive DNA, Richard Dawkins, Rutgers University, species, transcriptional noise, transposable elements, YouTubers
Our video backs up what it says with clear quotes and references. We’ve provided more documentation here. Source
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Notes on the Mysterious Origin of Hippos

Africa, Anthracotheriidae, biology, brachiopods, bryozoans, cephalopods, Charles Darwin, constancy, corals, Doliochoeridae, Ernst Mayr, Evolution, evolutionary derivations, foraminifers, fossil record, genera, Georges Cuvier, ghost lineages, Hippopotamidae, Hippopotamus amphibius, hippos, Intelligent Design, Louis Agassiz, Martin Pickford, megafauna, National Geographic, ostracods, paleontology, species, stasis, subfamilies, trilobites, ” and waiting around without any function that might explain why natural selection working on random mutations bothered to engineer them
The family Hippopotamidae appears abruptly in the fossil record — like all the other groups that I have so far investigated in detail. Source
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No. 2 Story of 2023: Intelligent Design Passes the Dawkins Test

atheists, biology, Brian Miller, Caroline Parins-Fukuchia, Cédric Blais, common ancestry, discordance, Dominik Schrempf, Evolution, evolutionary genomics, genus, Gergely Szöllősi, Gonzalo Giribet, Gregory W. Stull, intelligent agents, Intelligent Design, John M. Archibald, Juli Berwald, Michael DeGiorgio, Nature (journal), Nature Ecology & Evolution, phylogenetic studies, phylogenomics, phylogeny, pseudogenes, Queen Mary University of London, Rasmus Nielsen, Richard Buggs, Richard Dawkins, Richard H. Adams, Science and Faith in Dialogue, species, Stephen A. Smith, The Greatest Show on Earth, Todd A. Castoe, Tree of Life, UC Berkeley
After it passed his challenge, will atheist evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins now embrace the theory of intelligent design? Source
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Intelligent Design Passes the Dawkins Test

atheists, biology, Brian Miller, Caroline Parins-Fukuchia, Cédric Blais, common ancestry, discordance, Dominik Schrempf, Evolution, evolutionary genomics, genus, Gergely Szöllősi, Gonzalo Giribet, Gregory W. Stull, intelligent agents, Intelligent Design, John M. Archibald, Juli Berwald, Michael DeGiorgio, Nature (journal), Nature Ecology & Evolution, phylogenetic studies, phylogenomics, phylogeny, pseudogenes, Queen Mary University of London, Rasmus Nielsen, Richard Buggs, Richard Dawkins, Richard H. Adams, Science and Faith in Dialogue, species, Stephen A. Smith, The Greatest Show on Earth, Todd A. Castoe, Tree of Life, UC Berkeley
After it passed his challenge, will atheist evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins now embrace the theory of intelligent design? Source
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Now, with Starships, Evolutionary Origins Become Still More Difficult

biology, David Coppedge, Evolution, Evolution News, gene transposon packages, genes, horizontal gene transport, hybridization, Intelligent Design, Modern Physics and Ancient Faith, origins, physics, sex, species, Star Trek, Starships, Stephen Barr, symmetry, universal common descent
So it appears that self-contained gene transposon "packages" permit transfer of genes from one species to another Source
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Will Earth BioGenome Project Vindicate Darwin?

agriculture, Big Data, bioindustry, biology, Canis familiaris, chihuahua, China, conservation, Darwin's Dilemma, Darwinism, Earth BioGenome Project, ecology, eukaryotes, Evolution, genomes, Intelligent Design, Life Sciences, Mark Blaxter, mastiff, Medicine, Paul Chien, phylogenetics, PNAS, sequencing, species, Sweden, United States
Compare the latest project to sequence everything to other megaprojects that may or may not answer evolutionary questions. Source
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#5 Story of 2020: Coronavirus, Intelligent Design, and Evolution

2019-nCoV, body plans, Charles Darwin, coronavirus, COVID-19, Darwinian evolution, Design Inference, disease, DNA, Edward Jenner, epidemic, Evolution, evolutionary biologists, genetic engineers, Ignác Semmelweis, Intelligent Design, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, living cell, Macroevolution, Medicine, MERS-CoV, Michael Dini, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, molecular biology, mutation, natural selection, Nature Medicine, New York Post, organs, oxygen, pandemic, quarantine, RNA, SARS-CoV-2, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, smallpox, species, The Origin of Species, Theodosius Dobzhansky, virus, World Health Organization, Wuhan
The measures being taken against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic owe nothing to evolutionary theory. Source
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New Video: Why Evolution Is Different

cinematographer, Darwinism, Evolution, Fundacja En Arche, Intelligent Design, Istanbul, Joseph Le Conte, Polish, species, video, Why Evolution Is Different
After presenting a talk entitled “Why Evolution Is Different” at a meeting in Istanbul in May 2017, I turned my presentation into a homemade video. The talk, and the video, looked at the two main reasons why such an extremely implausible theory as Darwinism remains so popular in the scientific world — “Le Conte’s axiom” and the similarities between species. It shows why neither proves the absence of design. (You are all very familiar with Le Conte’s axiom, though not by that name!)  In the three years since, I have continued to develop this video, and recently I enlisted the help of a skilled cinematographer who has done a magnificent job of turning it into a “real film,” which you can see below. The video is currently being translated into Polish by Fundacja…
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