No. 2 Story of 2024: Darwinists Devolve

Ann Gauger, atheists, Brian Miller, Brown University, Casey Luskin, Charles Darwin, citation bluffing, Darwin Day, Darwin's Black Box, Darwinian materialism, Darwinian theory, Darwinism, Dave Farina, Debating Design, Douglas Axe, Emily Reeves, Ernst Mayr, Evolution, Finding Darwin’s God, Francis Collins, Guillermo Gonzalez, Icons of Evolution, Intelligent Design, Jerry Coyne, Jonathan McLatchie, Junk DNA, Kenneth Miller, Marcos Eberlin, Michael Behe, Nature’s Destiny, No Free Lunch, Oxford University, Oxford University Press, P.Z. Myers, Professor Dave, proteins, Richard Dawkins, Robert Laughlin, Signature in the Cell, Stanford University, Stephen Jay Gould, Stephen Meyer, The Design Inference, The Edge of Evolution, The Privileged Planet, Thomas Nagel, University of Chicago, University of Minnesota, What Darwin Didn’t Know
One sign of a robust scientific theory is the quality of its most prominent proponents. But serious advocates of Darwinism have become an endangered species. Source
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No. 6 Story of 2024: Devastating Critique of Origin-of-Life Research

"God of the gaps", astrobiology programs, coacervates, code, container, Evolution, George Washington Carver, Human Origins, hydrothermal vents, James Joule, James Simpson, James Tour, Joana Xavier, Johannes Kepler, metabolism, Michael Faraday, Nick Lane, Paul Nelson, Perry Marshall, Professor Dave, proteinoid microspheres, RNA world, Robert Boyle, spark-discharge tubes, Stephen Meyer, Susan Mazur, target of selection
The magazine started by Norman Lockyer in 1869 to promote Darwin’s naturalistic views has had to face judgment day. Source
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No. 10 Story of 2024: Evolutionary Biologist Concedes Intelligent Design Is Cutting Edge

biology, Bret Weinstein, Cambrian Explosion, Charles Darwin, cutting edge, DarkHorse Podcast, Darwinian evolution, Darwinism, Darwinists, David Gelernter, Evolution, evolutionary biology, Heather Heying, Intelligent Design, Jerry Coyne, Jesus, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Meyer, The Selfish Gene, whale sharks, Yale University
Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying are well-known evolutionary biologists (and husband and wife) with a podcast. Source
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Our View of Nature Matters; Here’s Why

Adolf Hitler, authoritarianism, beauty, Berghof, Cambridge, Casey Luskin, Center for Science and Culture, Colorado, dehumanization, Denyse O'Leary, Discovery Institute Academy, DiscoveryU, Education, Evolution, German-Austrian border, information codes, Intelligent Design, Long Story Short, meadows, Michael Egnor, mountains, nature, serenity, Stephen Meyer, The Immortal Mind, YouTube videos
I was standing amidst the ruins of the Berghof, Hitler’s retreat near the German-Austrian border, where some of the worst atrocities in history were planned. Source
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On Giving Tuesday, Feelings Are Not Enough

atheists, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Brian Miller, Casey Luskin, Center for Science and Culture, Christianity, Conversion, depression, Discovery Institute Press, emotion, Evolution News, Faith & Science, faith and science, Father Martin Hilbert, Feelings, Günter Bechly, Intelligent Design, John West, Jonathan McLatchie, Muslims, new york, Richard Dawkins, self-hatred, Somalia, Stephen Meyer, suicide, William Dembski
Here was a believer, a very thoughtful one, who knew nothing about whether the God hypothesis can be defended on objective grounds. Source
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Atheist Richard Dawkins: Intelligent Design Is a “Scientific Hypothesis,” Though Mistaken

Atheism, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Christianity, Colin Wright, Comfort, cosmic designer, design hypothesis, Evolution, Faith & Science, gender, intelligence, Intelligent Design, Manhattan Institute, mathematics, morality, Muslims, New Atheists, nobility, physics, Return of the God Hypothesis, Richard Dawkins, scientific hypothesis, Stephen Meyer, stories, theism, Twitter, universe
This is a remarkable response, granting the premise of arguments for intelligent design like those of Stephen Meyer. Source
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