Fossil Friday: Saber-Toothed Tigers Originated Multiple Times

carnivores, cats, clades, convergence, Evolution, Fossil Friday, Intelligent Design, jaws, La Brea Tar Pits, Los Angeles, paleontologists, paleontology, Pleistocene, predators, saber teeth, saber-toothed tiger, Simon Conway Morris, skulls, Smilodon populator, teleology, University of Liege
No explanations offered, but no intelligence allowed either. Maybe scientists should stop shutting their eyes and ears to what nature wants to tell them. Source
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Atheists’ Faith in Science is Misplaced

2. Does God Exist?, Al Serrato, Apologetics, Atheism, Christianity, design argument, Gospel, Intelligent Design, science, scientism, teleology, Theology and Christian Apologetics
Most atheists I have encountered demonstrate an amazing “faith” in the power of science. They will often accuse believers of wishful thinking – or outright foolishness – when believers conclude that an intelligent being is the only reasonable inference to draw from the evidence of design that surrounds us. They do this because they have come to believe that only through “science” can anything be known, and that science will someday answer all of life’s mysteries. That is what’s called “scientism.” There is no need for a God, they assure themselves, because “science” has not provided for one. Is Science the Only Way to Know? The flaw in this thinking is the assumption that science is the only way one can know something. This is flawed on many levels. Science,…
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“All Things Are Ordered to Their End” 

Aristotle, breathing, causality, Charles Darwin, chemical reactions, Chemistry, chlorophyll, chloroplasts, earth, Faith & Science, final causality, heart, Inertia, Intelligent Design, Isaac Newton, momentum, Moon, physical constants, physics, rationality, science of purpose, teleology, telos, theologians, Thomas Aquinas
In that one simple phrase, St. Thomas Aquinas, the greatest Christian theologian of all time, echoed the fundamental teaching of Aristotle. Source
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No. 9 Story of 2023: Irreducible Complexity of Sperm Cells

acrosin, acrosome, acrosome phase, bacterial flagellum, biology, calcium ions, cap phase, capacitation, cervix, Daniela Nicastro, DNA, dyneins, egg cell, ejaculation, Evolution, fertilization, fertilized egg, flagellum, foresight, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Golgi phase, haploid genome, Harvard University, human reproduction, hyaluronidase, infant, Intelligent Design, intent, intercourse, Irreducible Complexity, Jianfeng Lin, middle piece, mitochondria, ovum, reproduction, reproductive tract, seminal fluid, sperm, sperm cells, teleology, uterine tubes, uterus, zygote
Human reproduction is perhaps the quintessential example of teleology in biology. Source
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Are Plants Cognitive, Intelligent Beings?

audible range, botany, cognition, Darwinism, David G. Robinson, ecologists, EMBO Reports, emotions, Frantisek Baluška, infection, intelligence, Life Sciences, Louvre, mathematics, Neuroscience & Mind, panpsychism, plants, random mutations, spirituality, Tel Aviv University, teleology, Third Way of Evolution, University of Heidelberg, water deprivation, ZME Science
Some plant biologists want to see them that way; others continue to insist on a Darwinian view. Source
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A Theoretical Biologist’s Mission Impossible: Banish Teleology While Retaining Meaning

academic politics, Chemistry, consciousness, Darwinian evolution, DNA, Evolution, genes, genetic code, information, Intelligent Design, Marcello Barbieri, materialism, Meaning, natural selection, paradigm, physics, private truth, public truth, teleology, University of Ferrara
The nonsense will cease eventually. But eventually is a long way off, if Barbieri’s dilemma is any guide. Source
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On the Irreducible Complexity of Sperm Cells

acrosin, acrosome, acrosome phase, bacterial flagellum, biology, calcium ions, cap phase, capacitation, cervix, Daniela Nicastro, DNA, dyneins, egg cell, ejaculation, Evolution, fertilization, fertilized egg, flagellum, foresight, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Golgi phase, haploid genome, Harvard University, human reproduction, hyaluronidase, infant, Intelligent Design, intent, intercourse, Irreducible Complexity, Jianfeng Lin, middle piece, mitochondria, ovum, reproduction, reproductive tract, seminal fluid, sperm cells, sperm flagellum, teleology, uterine tubes, uterus, zygote
Human reproduction is perhaps the quintessential example of teleology in biology. Source
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Engineering Principles Explain Biological Systems Better than Evolutionary Theory

antiquity, Apostle Paul, Aristotle, atomism, biology, Charles Darwin, Copernican Revolution, Engineering, Evolution, Francisco Ayala, genetics, Hippocrates, Intelligent Design, Lucretius, materialism, Modern Synthesis, natural processes, Neo-Darwinism, philosophy, Plato, population genetics, Romans, Science and Faith in Dialogue, teleology
Hippocrates proposed in the late 5th or early 4th century BC a model for heredity and adaptation that Charles Darwin described as nearly identical to his own. Source
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