The Slippery Slope of Theistic Darwinism: The Sad Cases of Howard Van Till and Karl Giberson

Bible, BioLogos Foundation, Calvin College, childhood, Christianity, Discovery Institute Press, Eastern Nazarene University, Evangelical Christians, Evolution, Faith & Science, faith and science, Francis Collins, Howard Van Till, Intelligent Design, physical universe, Saving Darwin, Saving the Original Sinner, secular elites, slippery slope, Stockholm Syndrome Christianity, Stockholm Syndrome Christians, theism, theistic Darwinism, Unitarian Universalist Association
After retiring from Calvin, Howard Van Till evolved well beyond Christianity. Indeed, he eventually evolved beyond theism. Source
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Atheist Richard Dawkins: Intelligent Design Is a “Scientific Hypothesis,” Though Mistaken

Atheism, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Christianity, Colin Wright, Comfort, cosmic designer, design hypothesis, Evolution, Faith & Science, gender, intelligence, Intelligent Design, Manhattan Institute, mathematics, morality, Muslims, New Atheists, nobility, physics, Return of the God Hypothesis, Richard Dawkins, scientific hypothesis, Stephen Meyer, stories, theism, Twitter, universe
This is a remarkable response, granting the premise of arguments for intelligent design like those of Stephen Meyer. Source
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Atheist on the Ropes: Piers Morgan Confronts Richard Dawkins About ID and Stephen Meyer

Atheism, Big Bang, cathedrals, Christmas carols, coder, cosmology, cultural Christian, DNA, faith, Faith & Science, God Hypothesis, Intelligent Design, mental health, physicists, physics, Physics, Earth & Space, Piers Morgan, psychiatrists, Return of the God Hypothesis, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Meyer, theism, young people
There’s something wonderful about watching Dawkins being compelled to watch Stephen Meyer and then being obliged to respond. Source
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Melissa Cain Travis Is in New Zealand — See Her in Tauranga This Weekend

Albert Einstein, Center for Science and Culture, cosmology, Discovery Institute, Faith & Science, fine-tuning, Intelligent Design, Johannes Kepler, Melissa Cain Travis, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand, science and faith, Tauranga, theism, Thinking God’s Thoughts, Thinking Matters Conference, universe
Our colleague Dr. Melissa Cain Travis is among the most popular speakers on intelligent design. Source
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An Astonishing Life-Friendly Coincidence: The Properties of the Nonmetal Atoms

advanced life, amine, Atheism, biochemistry, biology, carbon, carboxyl, cell's, Charles Tanford, covalent bonds, environmental fitness, hydrogen, hydrophilic force, hydrophobic force, hydroxyl, Intelligent Design, Michael Denton, nitrogen, oxygen, periodic table of elements, Physics, Earth & Space, proteins, teleological arguments, The Miracle of the Cell, theism, universe
It is well established that there are far more ways in which the universe might have been that are non-conducive to life than there are life-friendly ways. Source
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My Dinner with Steven and Louise Weinberg

Atheism, atheists, attorney, Austin, Baylor University, Christianity, Faith & Science, faith and science, Intelligent Design, Jesus, Law, law professor, Louise Weinberg, naturalism, Nobel Prize, Phillip E. Johnson, physicists, physics, Physics, Earth & Space, scripture, Steven Weinberg, The First Three Minutes, The Nature of Nature, theism, theists, University of Texas, Waco
Weinberg was holding court, going on about how much he knew about the origin of the universe and how atheism was the only intellectually viable option. Source
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Eric Hedin on Suffering in a Designed World

death toll, determinism, droughts, earthquakes, Evolution, human bodies, Hurricanes, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, molecules, moral responsibility, mountainsides, natural disasters, natural forces, naturalism, Robert Sapolsky, Second Law of Thermodynamics, sickness, Suffering, theism, tragedies
First, Dr. Hedin discusses the problem of natural evils like earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts, and other natural disasters. Source
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