Ross Douthat on the Universe’s Remarkable Intelligibility

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Christianity, consensus, Darwinism, Enlightenment, faith and science, Guillermo Gonzalez, Intelligent Design, Jay Richards, Jonah Goldberg, Jordan Peterson, Living in Wonder, Matthew Crawford, New York Times, Paul Kingsnorth, physics, Physics, Earth & Space, Podcast, public intellectuals, religion, Return of the God Hypothesis, Rod Dreher, Stephen Meyer, The Privileged Planet, universe
Suppose that science itself suffers if we preemptively rule out certain conclusions. Source
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Georges Lemaȋtre’s Hidden God

Albert Einstein, Big Bang, Catholic priests, Christianity for Doubters, Creation, Discovery Institute Press, Evolution, Evolution News, Faith & Science, Georges Lemaȋtre, improvements, intelligent beings, Intelligent Design, Jean-Pierre Luminet, Melissa Wehmann Sewell, mistakes, natural causes, Nature (journal), physics, Physics, Earth & Space, planning, Supreme Being, Technology, testing, The Big Bang Revolutionaries, theology, universe
Was Lemaȋtre, who certainly believed in God, suggesting that God deliberately hides himself from us, or just acknowledging the paradox? Source
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The Multiverse Has a Measure Problem

Aaron Zimmer, atoms, Bible, Boltzmann brain, Donald Trump, Dragons, Elie Feder, Faith & Science, fine-tuning, life, measure problem, molecules, naïve multiverse, observers, physical constants, physical laws, physics, Physics to God, Physics, Earth & Space, planets, quantum fluctuations, rivers, Roger Penrose, stars, Taylor Swift, universe
In terms of science, the central problem with the naïve multiverse is that it could explain any observation, so it really explains nothing. Source
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A Catholic Case for Intelligent Design

A Catholic Case for Intelligent Design, Adam and Eve, Brian Miller, Catholics, creation myth, Darwinian paradigm, Evolution, Faith & Science, faith and science, Father Martin Hilbert, history, ID The Future, Intelligent Design, life, philosophy, science, Secularism, theology, universe
For too long now, Catholic scholars and many of the faithful have felt compelled to align themselves with a Darwinian account of life’s origins. Source
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Atheist Richard Dawkins: Intelligent Design Is a “Scientific Hypothesis,” Though Mistaken

Atheism, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Christianity, Colin Wright, Comfort, cosmic designer, design hypothesis, Evolution, Faith & Science, gender, intelligence, Intelligent Design, Manhattan Institute, mathematics, morality, Muslims, New Atheists, nobility, physics, Return of the God Hypothesis, Richard Dawkins, scientific hypothesis, Stephen Meyer, stories, theism, Twitter, universe
This is a remarkable response, granting the premise of arguments for intelligent design like those of Stephen Meyer. Source
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Theist Doctor, Materialist Doctor

algorithm, amino acids, Aristotle, chickens, Evolution, Evolution “On Purpose”, evolutionary theorists, explanations, G. K. Chesterton, human body, Intelligent Design, Kantian wholes, laws of physics, life, medical doctors, Mona Lisa, neo-Darwinian framework, oncologists, purposefulness, quantum physics, science of purpose, screwdriver, Stephen J. Iacoboni, Stuart Kauffman, supernatural, Thomas Aquinas, universe
To be a good medical doctor, you have to treat the human body as if its parts have purpose and function. There’s really no way around it. Source
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Biophysicist Proposes “Spiritual Particle”

beetroots, consciousness, Daniel Dennett, Darwinian evolution theory, Darwinism, Douglas Youvan, eliminationism, Energy, Evolution, Galen Strawson, illusion, matter, natural selection, neuroscience, Neuroscience & Mind, panpsychism, Physics, Earth & Space, psychology, random mutation, snakes, spiritual particle, universe
It has, Douglas Youvan suggests, a dual nature, interacting with both matter and consciousness. Source
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