On Giving Tuesday, Feelings Are Not Enough

atheists, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Brian Miller, Casey Luskin, Center for Science and Culture, Christianity, Conversion, depression, Discovery Institute Press, emotion, Evolution News, Faith & Science, faith and science, Father Martin Hilbert, Feelings, Günter Bechly, Intelligent Design, John West, Jonathan McLatchie, Muslims, new york, Richard Dawkins, self-hatred, Somalia, Stephen Meyer, suicide, William Dembski
Here was a believer, a very thoughtful one, who knew nothing about whether the God hypothesis can be defended on objective grounds. Source
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William Dembski: What’s the Best Evidence for Intelligent Design?

Aaron Zimmer, biology, cosmic fine-tuning, designing agent, Elie Feder, Evolution, Evolution News, fine-tuning, genetic machinery, Intelligent Design, magical thinking, Mike Licona, Podcast, The Design Inference, William Dembski, Winston Ewert
What exactly is the very best evidence for a designing agent behind nature? There are a number of contenders and, interestingly, not all ID proponents agree. Source
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Discerning the Shape of a “New Biology”

Aristotle, Bertrand Russell, biology, Carl Woese, causation, cell, Chance and Necessity, David Hume, dispositionalism, Evolution News, final cause, Intelligent Design, intentionality, Isaac Newton, Jacques Monod, Life Sciences, Michael Behe, organelle, powers ontology, purpose, René Descartes, science of purpose, telos, The Design Inference, Walter Elsasser, William Dembski
Purpose and intentionality permeate and in fact define the living state, in contrast to the inanimate. Source
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“Move Along, Nothing to See Here”: What Happens When You Challenge a Dominant Narrative

BBC Horizon, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, California, Cambridge University Press, design filter, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Kenneth Miller, Michael Shellenberger, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, nature, Nature (journal), North Atlantic Right Whale, Patrick Brown, Save the Right Whale Coalition, scientific materialism, specification, The Design Inference, wildfires, William Dembski, Winston Ewert
William Dembski no longer has to be coy about the challenge his design filter poses for modern evolutionary theory. Source
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Is Darwinian Philosopher Daniel Dennett the End of an Era?

atheists, Christof Koch, Commentary, Consciousness Explained, Dan Falk, Daniel Dennett, Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Darwinians, David Berlinski, David Chalmers, Evolution, human mind, John Horgan, materialists, Nautilus, Neuroscience & Mind, Richard Dawkins, The Deniable Darwin, Uncommon Dissent, William Dembski
Dennett’s image of the human mind as a user-illusion was very fashionable but it never made any sense. Source
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Gould’s God-Talk: Is the Panda’s Thumb Incompatible with ID?

Charles Darwin, creationism, devolution, Earth’s Catastrophic Past, Evolution, Faith & Science, harmony, Intelligent Design, John Calvin, Louis Agassiz, Natural Theology (book), panda, Panda's Thumb, Peter Van Inwagen, proportion, Religions (journal), St. Paul, Stephen Jay Gould, suboptimality, symmetry, theology, thumb, William Dembski, William Paley, Young Earth Creationists
Stephen Jay Gould was renowned as a paleontologist, not as a theologian. Yet perhaps his most iconic argument is theological in nature.  Source
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