Gould’s God-Talk: Is the Panda’s Thumb Incompatible with ID?

Charles Darwin, creationism, devolution, Earth’s Catastrophic Past, Evolution, Faith & Science, harmony, Intelligent Design, John Calvin, Louis Agassiz, Natural Theology (book), panda, Panda's Thumb, Peter Van Inwagen, proportion, Religions (journal), St. Paul, Stephen Jay Gould, suboptimality, symmetry, theology, thumb, William Dembski, William Paley, Young Earth Creationists
Stephen Jay Gould was renowned as a paleontologist, not as a theologian. Yet perhaps his most iconic argument is theological in nature.  Source
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Alfred Russel Wallace’s Bicentennial Year: A Cause for Celebration and for Sadness

Alfred Russel Wallace, Andrew Berry, Arthur Conan Doyle, bicentennial, Charles Smith, Chemistry, Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection, cosmology, Darwinism (book), Elusive Victorian, Evolution, George Beccaloni, Heretic in Darwin’s Court, In Darwin’s Shadow, intelligent cause, Intelligent Design, intelligent evolution, James T. Costa, Lord Rayleigh, Man’s Place in the Universe, Martin Fichman, Michael Shermer, Nature's Prophet, Origin of Species, Peter Raby, Radical by Nature, Revolt of Democracy, Richard Dawkins, Ross A. Slotten, Social Environment and Moral Progress, spiritualism, that biology, The Geographical Distribution of Animals, The Greatest Show on Earth, The Wonderful Century, The World of Life, Tropical Nature, Usk, Wales, William Crookes, William Fletcher Barrett, William James, William Paley
All the hyperbole shows the fix is in — Wallace has been made safe for scientism and Darwinian reductionism. The academy can breathe easy. Source
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Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln, and Intelligent Design

Abraham Lincoln, Asa Gray, Bridgewater Treatises, Charles Darwin, Daniel Dennett, Darwin Day, Darwinists, Discovery Institute, Ethical Humanist Society, Evolution, Green Bay, history, Intelligent Design, James Keyes, Michael Denton, Nature’s Destiny, public schools, Richard Dawkins, River Out of Eden, Springfield, The Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, William Herndon, William Paley
Given Lincoln’s acknowledgment of the evidence of design in nature, he would be banned from expressing his views on evolution in most public schools today. Source
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Old Wine in New Bottles: How Darwin Recruited Malthus to Fortify a Failed Idea from Antiquity

abiogenesis, Alphonse de Candolle, Aristotle, atheists, atomism, Charles Bradlaugh, Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, Christianity, complexification, David Hume, Edward Aveling, Epicurus, Erasmus Darwin, Evolution, Friedrich Engels, Georges Cuvier, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Greece, Homo sapiens, Intelligent Design, Karl Marx, Law of Correlation, Lucretius, Matthew Arnold, Middle Ages, natural selection, Origin of Species, Patrick Matthew, Plato, Poor Law, Rome, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Malthus, transhumanism, Unmoved Mover, Victorian England, William Paley
It was undoubtedly a tremendous philosophical coup for Darwin whose knowledge of formal philosophy was limited. Source
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In His New Book, Denton Shows How Science Leads the Charge to Theism

astrophysicists, Atheism, bioengineering, biology, brain, Charles Darwin, Copernican Revolution, cosmology, cytology, demiurge, Democritus, Denis Diderot, earth, Erasmus Darwin, Faith & Science, fine-tuning, human eye, humankind, Judeo-Christian tradition, life, natural selection, nature, Paul Davies, philosophes, Physics, Earth & Space, physiology, Plato, purpose, teleology, The Miracle of Man, theism, William Paley
In his new book, Michael Denton is particularly strong on what he terms “the post-Copernican delusion of mankind’s cosmic irrelevance.” Source
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Natural Machinery Operates Without Intervention; But How?

Abe Weintraub, chloroplasts, Current Biology, David Wolpert, Evolution, Francis Bacon, Heidelberg University, heterochromatin, information flow, Intelligent Design, Isaac Newton, Jay Richards, jumping genes, Junk DNA, kinesin, Life Sciences, mechanical philosophy, Nobel Prize, nuclear membrane, open reading frame, Penn State News, Prime Mover, proteins, Ribosome, Robert Boyle, robotics, Rockefeller University, Salk Institute, Santa Fe Institute, Steinway pianos, University of Southern California, Vanderbilt University, Willaim Dembski, William Paley
We’re going to need a new philosophy: one that can handle realities the Elizabethans and Victorians could never have imagined. Source
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Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection Has Left a Legacy of Confusion over Biological Adaptation

adaptation, Biological Emergences, biology, brain, cave fish, Charles Darwin, Conference on Engineering in Living Systems, Evolution, externalism, hurricane, Intelligent Design, internalism, Jerry Fodor, John Gerhard, Marc Kirschner, Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, Mother Nature, natural selection, New York Times Book Review, Phreatichthys andruzzii, Pocahontas, Richard Lewontin, Robert G. B. Reid, Stephen Jay Gould, sweating, What Darwin God Wrong, William Paley
Our ability to adapt to fantastically diverse circumstances did not result from the happenstance of environmental conditions. Source
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Design on Time — Paley’s Watch Was Inside Him

biological clock, blood pressure, chronotype variation, circadian clock, clocks, Cyanobacteria, Harvard Medical School, imaging tools, Intelligent Design, Japan, jet lag, KaiC, mammalian locomotor activity, Nagoya University, Nature (journal), Nature Scientific Reports, neurons, PLOS ONE, PNAS, rats, sleep, suprachiasmatic nucleus, Synechococcus elongatus, University of Illinois, University of Rochester, William Paley
Watches are everywhere on the heath. Look up, look down, look inside; biology runs on time. Source
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