No. 6 Story of 2023: On Free Will, ChatGPT4 Blows Away Atheist Sam Harris

atheists, Being as Communion, Belief, brain, ChatGPT4, consciousness, Culture & Ethics, decision-making, determinism, free choice, free will, illusion, irony, Judgment, mind, neuroscience, Neuroscience & Mind, Persuasion, reality, Reasoning, Sam Harris, The Design Inference, Winston Ewert, YouTube videos
Yes, the irony here is palpable, and I’ve long been critical of Harris’s view of free will as an illusion. Source
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Inferring the Best Explanation via Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, Bayesian analysis, blues, boogie-woogie, ChatGPT, ChatGPT4, chess, country music, Culture & Ethics, Erik Larson, Google Bard, gun, hiccups, inference to the best explanation, musicians, Neuroscience & Mind, Noam Chomsky, piano, Stockfish, The Myth of Artificial Intelligence
The analogy with chess is apt — computers play chess but in ways different from us by being able to brute force their way through millions more positions. Source
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