#6 Story of 2020: Amid a Pandemic, Wisdom from C. S. Lewis

Adolf Hitler, Anglo-Irish writers, Anxiety, Belfast, bleach, Boxen, C.S. Lewis, Castlereagh Hills, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cherry blossoms, churches, coronavirus, Europe, Faith & Science, fear, grocery stores, gyms, hand sanitizer, isolation, Letters of C.S. Lewis, Marion Wade Center, movie theaters, Nazis, Northern Ireland, pandemic, restaurants, rubbing alcohol, Seattle, The Weight of Glory, toilet paper, tuberculosis, University of Washington, W.H. Lewis, war, Wheaton College, World War I, World War II, worry, “Learning in War-Time”
Lewis's advice seems eerily applicable to our own situation, just substitute “pandemic” for “war.” Source
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Are Evangelicals “Crippling” Our Coronavirus Response?

Alabama, americans, anti-Christian bias, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chernobyl, China, churches, coronavirus, COVID-19, Darwinism, doctors, Donald Trump, Earth Day, Easter, Evangelical Christians, Evolution and Ethics, Faith & Science, Federal Government, global warming, Katherine Stewart, Medicine, New York City, New York Times, nurses, pandemic, pastors, Scientific consensus, stock boys, Thomas Huxley, truck driver, United States, Wuhan, Yan Fu
Yep, according to this New York Times op-ed by Katherine Stewart: This denial of science and critical thinking among religious ultraconservatives now haunts the American response to the coronavirus crisis. Stewart, whose disdain for evangelicals is passionate, objects particularly to the President’s invocation of Easter rather than “mid-April”: Mr. Trump’s expressed hope that the country would be “opened up and just raring to go by Easter.” He could, of course, have said, “by mid-April.” But Mr. Trump did not invoke Easter by accident, and many of his evangelical allies were pleased by his vision of “packed churches all over our country.”  “I think it would be a beautiful time,” the president said. Perhaps a Presidential wish that we will be back to business by Earth Day would have mollified Ms.…
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